Page 27 of Dirty Little Vow
The time for action is almost here, just not quite yet. Soon, really soon. We must enter the room, and he must shut the door before I can draw my weapon on him.
Oliver steps to my side, eyes a key, and motions toward the right. “This way, Bella.” His lips curve. “Did you know that Bella means pretty in Italian and beautiful in Spanish?”
My fingers curl into my palms. “So my father tells me.”
“Right. The badass NASCAR driver. You come from a life filled with overachievers. I’m sorry about your mother. I read all about her. She was magnificent.”
“You did a lot of research on me, didn’t you?”
“It’s my job to know everyone I negotiate with.”
“What exactly are we negotiating?”
His lips quirk. “Let’s go chat about that.” He motions down the hallway. “I do believe we’re the last door.”
Of course, I think. The furthest from the elevator.
He starts walking, and I fall into step with him, that nervous energy I’ve been experiencing pretty much singing a dramatic song now, something from a horror movie. He reaches the door—wereach the door—and steel slides into place, right where my spine straightens. I am my mother’s daughter, and she would never allow herself to be intimidated. If my father were in danger, she’d save him, just as he’d save her if the situation was reversed. I’m letting fear for Tyler be fear in general.
No more.
Oliver kicks the door open and before it can shut, props it open with his foot. He motions me forward and right when I walk past him, he snags my purse. I catch it, hold onto it, and whirl around to face him, determined to pull my handgun but it’s impossible. His giant hand is covering the opening.
“You know I’m not letting you in the room with your handgun within reach. That’s not the way we have a productive conversation. Let go of the purse.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’ve told you. You’re free to leave, Bella. Staying is your choice.”
“But if I don’t, you’ll kill Tyler,” I snap, and my heart is racing so fast, my temples throb. “Isn’t that right?”
His eyes darken, jaw sharpening. “I never said any such thing.”
“We both know you implied it.”
He releases my purse. “If you come in with me, I need you to leave your purse at the door while you join me in the sitting area. Otherwise, tell your brother I’m a fan.”
Now, he’s threatened Dash as well, and my defeat is obvious. I could run to the front desk and try to get to Tyler and Dash fast enough, but his confidence says I will fail. I drop my purse and shove through the door, entering the room.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Once I’m inside the room, I cross through a foyer and enter what turns out to be a suite, with a full kitchen and living area as my welcome, offering a margin of relief. I’m not in a cramped space with a bed as the centerpiece. This space is luxurious and includes three elegant chairs framing a shiplap wall with a big screen TV as the centerpiece.
Just behind that seating area is a full living room facing a city view of twinkling lights. A view to die for, some might say, perhaps quite literally in my case. I head in that direction, as far away from Oliver as I can, but I do so with slow, steady steps. At this point, I’m psyching myself out, pretending that I’m walking into the biggest negotiation of my life, tamping down my nervous energy. I must think logically. I must operate with a clear head, but still, my thoughts are off the deep end.
What if he tells me I have to have sex with him to save Tyler? What am I going to do? I need a plan, and my mind needs to work in that direction.
I rotate to place the city view at my back and him to my front.
He saunters to the shiny black and brown swirled bar attached to the wood wall and opens a bottle of whiskey sitting on top. The fact that it exists when it would not be a standard perk of even a high-end suite leads me to believe he’s been staying here, or he came here earlier to prepare for whatever this is. “Whiskey?” he asks.
I’m officially irritated. He’s playing games again, trying to unnerve me. “I prefer a clear head for negotiations. If you do not, that’s your preference.”
His lips quirk and he fills a glass, recapping the bottle before he moves in my direction with a predatory swagger that makes me want to back away but I don’t.Show strength, I tell myself. He rounds the couch and motions for me to sit in the chair to his right while he claims the couch, making no effort to be near me.
Maybe he does just want to talk?