Page 13 of My Perfect Villain
Harmony was silent, the only sound was the roar of the restaurant and the clicking of her gold rings against her wine glass. She had picked out a slinky blue dress to match her eyes. She loved long dresses with the slit up the side, but this one barely covered her lower region. If she opened her legs everyone would get a show. A small slit went up both sides, stitched together with delicate black lace. The silken fabric rubbed against her large breasts with its custom built-in bra and chiffon straps.
She looked down at her phone. It was 8:10.
Why am I not surprised?
Taking another sip of liquid courage, she saw her phone light up. It was an unknown number texting her.
Late again?
She forgot she had given Darius her number before they left the mansion. She drove separately in her car so Alessandro wouldn’t get suspicious. She knew Darius wasn’t far behind and always had her in sight. She picked up her phone and started to type.Yes. As always.
She downed the rest of her glass and started to pour another from the bottle of Chateau Potelle. Eyeing up the menu, she was tempted to order the 2019 Spottswoode. Her phone lit up again.
Get the wine. If that bastard doesn’t pay, I will.
Harmony smiled.Oh really? Is that a date? How gentlemanly.
You’re mine,mia rosa.Anything for you.
A chill went down her spine. Even reading those words was a sonata to her soul.You’re mine. I’m his.
She called the waiter over to the table and asked for the bottle of Spottswoode. He seemed eager and pleased to bring her the selection.
A noise near the door pierced her ears. It was the familiar sound of her sister’s laugh.It’s showtime.
Sofia walked over to their table smiling and laughing. “Harmony!”
“You’re late, Sofia.”
“I’m sorry, we got held up.”
Standing behind her was the vile in her throat: Alessandro. He looked as sleazy as ever with his greasy black hair and dark green eyes. His slim body made him look like a twig. She could tell the tailored suit he was wearing had seen some better days, nothing like when Sofia first sent her a pic of him. He looked nervous, sweat beading down his brow. He looked considerably paler than the last time she saw him.
“Anything wrong, Alessandro?” She cooed. “You don’t look well.”
“I’m fine.” His voice was nails on a chalkboard. She couldn’t stand it when he spoke, all she wanted to do was vomit.
She put on her fake smile and hid her disgust. “Sit down. I ordered wine, hope you don’t mind. I was waiting for you to get here to order food.”
Sofia plopped down on her chair. “Ugh! I’m starving. I hope they have some good steak. Oooo, maybe I’ll get salmon!”
Sofia was lost in the menu, not paying any attention to her or Alessandro.
The rest of the night went without a hitch. Alessandro started to calm down and eased up after 4 glasses of wine. The three of them talked and laughed over steak tartare and their various meals of steak and salmon. They had just finished their fourth bottle of wine when coffee came around with a chocolate medley, crème brulee, and a strawberry pretzel for dessert. Sofia got Alessandro to reminisce about their time in Miami until she asked Harmony about her future plans.
“Summer’s almost over and we’re getting into fall Harm. What are you gonna do now that we’re out of school?”
Harmony shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve been offered a position at my summer job so I think I might stick with that until I find something in the field.”
Sofia giggled. “I don’t know why you decided to go into criminal justice and cyber security, Harm. It’s so…boring.”
Harmony took a sip of her coffee. “I find it fascinating. Maybe I’ll even go on to law school.”
“Well…you go right ahead, Harm. Leaves for fun for the rest of us.”
“I don’t consider an undeclared major with a mass of stupid courses just so you could sleep aroundfun.” Harmony muttered under her breath.