Page 51 of My Perfect Villain
I stare at it as he walks. It’s slightly too big for his body, with the nicest jiggle I’ve ever seen on an ass. He’s tall too, but he’s walking slightly crooked and I can’t tell if there’s something wrong with his leg or that box he’s carrying is just really heavy…
What the hell is in there?
I glance around at the quiet street. It’s early, so there isn’t anyone around, which is great. The sun hasn’t even come up yet, which helps me stay hidden. Draven has the lights off on his car, so that helps him be less noticeable, too.
I hurry after Felix, hearing him talking quietly to himself—or to the box, I can’t tell—which I would probably find strange if I didn’t love his voice so much.
When I’m about fifteen feet from him, I know it’s do or die. Now or never.
I run and lunge, jumping onto his back and wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Felix flails his arms, letting out a yelp. He swings his body around, trying to shake me off, but I only hold tighter.
“Stay still!” I shout at him.
“Get off me, you whacko!”
“Just hold still. This will be so much easier… if you… hold still!”
I manage to get him in a good headlock, just the way my brother showed me. Rae showed me all kinds of awesome defense techniques that he said I may need while up here. Apparently, it’s a dangerous place, but I haven’t noticed any danger.
Felix and I stumble to the side as he loses his balance. I tighten my grip around his throat, hoping to get him to calm the hell down, but it only makes him freak out more. He groans and growls, using his free hand to yank on my arms. I rear my foot back and kick at the box, because now that I’m on him, I feel the heaviness to it and it’s making us tip over.
“Drop the box!” I shout at him, trying to kick it again but missing.
“No, not Roger!”
“You named your box Roger?” I screech.
Again, if this man weren’t so damn delicious, and his voice weren’t the best thing my ears have ever listened to, I’d worry about him being crazy, but… everyone has their faults. If he’s crazy, I’ll accept him for who he is. He’s just too beautiful to do otherwise.
He tries to respond, but his body starts to slow and go limp. Still, he doesn’t let go of the damn box. Then I remember the handcuffs in my pocket, and the fact Draven is supposed to be helping me.
I look over my shoulder. The car is stopped in the middle of the road, and he’s staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open.
“Help me!” I scream at him.
He shakes out of it, then opens the door and runs over, standing there with his arms out to the sides like he doesn’t know what to do.
“Take the box!”
“Not Roger!” Felix manages to say, though his voice is quiet and very raspy now.
“Stop resisting!”
“No, not my—”
Draven yanks the box from Felix’s hand as his body goes completely limp. His legs give out and he drops. I straighten my feet in time that I catch myself, then grab the handcuffs, quickly get them on, and look up at Draven.
“Get him, I’ll carry that stupid box,” I growl.
Draven hands me the box, and I take it, but it instantly pulls me down and drops to the ground with a loud clap.
What the hell is in here, bricks?
I scope it out, noting there is a wire-type front, and when I look inside, I scream and jerk away from it.
Draven is looking at me with wide eyes, bent over Felix and about to lift him.
“It’s a fucking alien!” I shout at Draven. “A naked rat! And it’s… it’s fuckingobese!”