Page 10 of Picture Perfect
“What do you mean? We just saw each other yesterday.”
“You know what I mean, Autumn. We were two peas in a pod when we were younger, and then life got in the way.”
I sip my wine, trying not to be sardonic, but I can’t help myself. “Yeah,life. Life, in the form of a frisky diner waitress.”
Rowan huffs. “I still can’t believethat’swho he left you for.”
“There is no explaining chemistry, I guess.”
He laughs. “That’s not what you told me in high school.”
“When you tried to help me with AP Chem.”
I laugh at the memory. “Oh right! It was the only class I was better at than you.”
“Balancing equations will haunt me until the day I die.”
I giggle. “I promise to help Ellie and Jonah when it’s their turn to suffer through chemistry.”
“Thank god.”
We finish our soup and soon the raviolis come out, each one a mouthwatering pocket of deliciousness. “Did you help plan the menu for tonight?”
He smirks, then tries to hide it. “What makes you ask?”
“Back in college, you used to make me pasta when I broke up with someone.”
“I was wondering if you’d put that together. Yeah, I helped with the menu.”
I reach across the table and squeeze his hand. “Thank you for this, Rowan. Seriously, I needed a reminder that not every guy is awful.” Then, I steal my hand back to eat with, because I needed more of the incredible ravioli.
“I’m pretty sure everyone needs the occasional reminder that people are not universally terrible. It’s too easy to get jaded.”
“That’s true. Delia has sworn off men.”
He chuckles. “Again?”
“I think it’s the fifth time this month.”
“Slow month for her.”
I nod and dig into my food. Every bite is more sumptuous than the last, and I nearly dread dessert. I’d be happy with more raviolis. But I trust Rowan’s judgment in the matter. He knows what I like.
After the raviolis are sadly gone, Rowan asks, “Ready for dessert?”
“Not just yet.”
“Then catch me up on our missing time, Autumn. The past year, what did I miss?”
I blow out a breath and think about it all. “Well, let’s see. Found my husband in our bed with another woman. He had the audacity to tell me she was his doctor, checking him for testicle lumps. With her mouth—“
“The fuck!” He quickly slaps his hand over his mouth and laughs, but tries to fight it. “No!”
“Yep. I haven’t told anyone else about that. Not even Delia.”
“I’m sorry I’m laughing, Autumn, I’m trying not to—