Page 22 of Picture Perfect
“True. But when the risks are high, it’s hard to say if the rewards are worth it.”
“Agreed. But some things are high risk, high reward.”
Rowan’s eyes dip to my cleavage, then down at the table, before he looks out the window. He does it so fast that if I hadn’t been looking, I wouldn’t have noticed. How many times had he done that in the past? I wonder. He gulps before looking me in the eye. He raises a glass, so I follow suit. “To friendship.”
I clink my glass to his, and we drink. “Speaking of friendship, with your schedule and mine, we should just do the friends-with-benefits thing.”
He chokes on his wine, barely keeping it in his mouth. Coughing, he rasps, “What?”
I’m not even sure how I said it out loud. It just popped out of my mouth. But I try to recover and laugh about it. “I am just joking, of course.”
He drinks half his water to gather himself together. “Warn a guy, would ya?”
I smile. “Sorry.” But I don’t mean it. I enjoy catching him off-guard. And besides,wasI just teasing?
But then he laughs. “You’ve always had a sense of humor about sex.”
“No reason not to, really. I mean, broken down to its components, sex is a little silly, don’t you think? Two people, smashing their faces and bits together until they reach a state of sweaty bliss….”
“Yeah, I guess. And kissing is kind of ridiculous, too.”
“And yet, kissing is fun,” I counter.
“Absolutely. I think most things that are fun are also a little dirty. Don’t you?”
“Definitely,” I agree. “Like the time you went to Disney jail in sophomore year for public indecency?”
He laughs hard and loud. “Shit. I haven’t thought about that in a long time.”
“What was her name?”
“Evie Bridges. That girl could get me to do anything.”
I don’t enjoy hearing that. “She must have been something special for you to risk Disney jail.”
“Like you said, high risk, high reward.”
“I guess some things are worth it to you.”
He steals another subtle glance at my mouth before dodging my eyes. “That’s true. You, as well.”
“I’ve never minded risk. Not when it gets me what I want.”
Am I what she wants? This conversation is getting away from me.Idon’t even know whatIwant. But I can’t stop myself from checking her out when she’s not looking. Can’t stop thinking about when her body was pressed up against mine. Those lips…that fucking moan.
I clear my throat, as if that could be enough to kill my determined hard-on. “Speaking of risk, I’m getting killed in the stock market. How about you?”
She chuckles, surprised. “Uh, doing okay, I guess. I let my broker handle it.”
“That’s probably smart. I’m a little too hands-on.” I’d like to get my hands on her.Stop it!Why did she have to say that thing about being friends-with-benefits? Now it’s all I can think of.
We can’t. Can we?
Autumn bites her bottom lip, thinking. Her eyes drift to my hands before she smiles again and looks up at me. “So, how is work?”