Page 130 of Vows & Ruins
‘Yes, Your Majesty,’ Kipp gushed, somehow managing to give a messy bow while still cross-legged on the floor.
Both Wren and Thea groaned.
‘If you insist on bowing and scraping, you should direct it to Thea.’ Wren waved a hand at her. ‘She’s the heir.’
Kipp’s eyes bulged again and he scrambled to his feet, bowing to Thea. ‘My apologies, Majesty.’
A snort sounded from Torj. ‘If you want to go down the formal address route, it’s actuallyYour Highness, as she’s a princess,’ he offered helpfully.
Wilder laughed. ‘That doesn’t go over so well, I’ve learnt,’ he said with a glance at Thea.
She elbowed him. ‘You’re not helping.’
Wilder looked to Cal, who still hadn’t said a word. The poor Guardian seemed to be struggling to process it all. Wilder hardly blamed him. When he’d found out, he’d fucked off for three weeks to hunt monsters.
‘Cal?’ Thea prompted.
He started to shake his head. ‘I just can’t believe it…’
‘I can’t say I was overly thrilled by the news myself,’ Thea allowed. ‘Nor was someone else, for that matter.’ She knocked her knee against Wilder’s and heat flushed his neck.
Cal was blinking slowly, his facial muscles still slack. ‘All this time… The things we’ve told you, Thea… What you’ve seen and heard… You’re aprincess.’
‘I’m your friend,’ Thea told him firmly. ‘And there’s no crown here, no kingdom. I’m a Guardian of the midrealms, just like you. Nothing has to change.’
‘Whatever you say, Your Highness,’ Kipp said from the floor.
Thea’s gaze snapped to him, and Wilder tensed, recognising that fiery look —
But Thea relaxed as she, too, spotted the gleam of mischief in Kipp’s eyes.
‘Prick,’ she muttered.
‘That’s hardly princess-like,’ he retorted.
‘Good thing I’m not a princess, then.’
‘Come to think of it, you are a bit high and mighty sometimes, Thea…’ Kipp said thoughtfully.
Wilder had half a mind to kick him, but he knew what the young man was doing in his own irritating way. He was showing Thea that he would treat her just the same as before, and he knew how much that would mean to her.
Cal, on the other hand, looked panicked. ‘Gods… I mean, you’ve seen my cock —’
‘And now you’re saying “cock” to a princess,’ Kipp chastised.
Wilder let his gaze slide to Torj’s apprentice, a hint of threat lacing his words. ‘Andwhyhas she seen your cock, Callahan?’
Cal went bright red. ‘Not like that, I swear. I – I just…’ he stammered. ‘When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go.’
Wilder knew he was being cruel, but watching the poor bastard squirm was certainly entertaining.
Kipp was shaking his head. ‘And now you’re talking about pissing in front of a princess.Twoprincesses. And to think, she’s seen you waving that dick around —’
‘Kipp! I don’t wave my anything – for fuck’s – forgoodness’sake,’ he corrected himself, blushing a deeper crimson. ‘You can’t talk to her like that.’
Kipp folded his arms over his chest and turned to Thea. ‘Your Highness, can I talk to you like that?’