Page 164 of Vows & Ruins
Wilder laughed, recalling how Drue had tried to duel the Warsword the moment they’d met. ‘Definitely not just like that, but it was the end result all the same.’
‘And they’re still together?’ He could hear the fear between her words.
‘How do you know, if you haven’t seen or heard from him in all this time?’
‘Because… Not even Enovius himself could tear them apart.’
He didn’t miss Thea’s hand moving to her fate stone beneath her shirt, and the way her body tensed as she inhaled deeply. ‘I hope the same for us.’
His heart ached in that moment, so raw from everything he’d finally allowed it to feel and fear. He covered her hand with his. ‘As do I.’
She shifted beneath him, turning to gaze into his face. Wilder leant in to kiss her – but as he did, the horns of Notos sounded, blasting out across the entire citadel.
Armed forces had arrived at Tver.
But it was too soon to tell if they were allies or enemies.
Allies. Their allies had arrived, and King Leiko’s hall was a flurry of movement, a hub of activity as King Artos of Harenth and Queen Reyna of Aveum strode forth, their army commanders in tow. Wilder had rushed off to find Torj, and so Thea stood alone at the edge of the hall, watching as the madness unfolded before her.
Her heart leapt at the sight of Osiris as well. The Guild Master had brought the Guardians of Thezmarr.
But Osiris wasn’t the only familiar face.
Thea’s chest swelled as she spotted Audra, Farissa, Sam and Ida in the throngs of people – and then, someone who couldn’t be missed, even amid the sea of warriors.
Malik, with Dax standing alert at his feet.
Thea had to suppress the urge to run to them, for King Leiko’s herald was ringing a bell from the dais.
‘The King of Tver wishes to make an address,’ he called, his voice expertly projecting to the far reaches of the hall.
The commotion settled as King Leiko took to the platform, his face grave. ‘People of the midrealms,’ he called. ‘Aveum brings word of what we face ahead. Queen Reyna’s scouts report that the enemy forces are preparing to make their move on Notos. They will be here by nightfall, using the cover of darkness to their advantage…’ He took a breath. ‘We must be ready. Rulers, Warswords, commanders and masters, if you’ll join me in the war room?’
The herald was already showing them to a door leading off from the hall. Thea watched as Wilder disappeared with the rest, a strange tug pulling at her chest.
‘The rest of you will await instructions for the siege preparations,’ King Leiko told them, before following his fellow rulers.
Thea found herself with Kipp and Wren almost immediately, their backs to the wall, still looking out over the crowd. ‘Where’s Cal?’ she asked, craning her neck.
‘He’s trying to convince his family to evacuate,’ Kipp said, voice low. ‘I suspect it won’t be long until the word goes out to the outer towns now… It’ll be an order to flee or get to the castle before sundown.’
‘Or what?’ Wren asked.
Thea clenched her fists at her sides. ‘Or they’ll be left to fend for themselves.’
‘You can’t be serious…’ Wren murmured, looking around at their forces in disbelief.
But Kipp grimaced as he spoke. ‘Our forces, though they’re stronger now, can’t defend from both the north and the south. The attack is coming from the south, according to the scouts. They’re aiming directly for the castle.’
‘How do you know this already?’
‘Esyllt told me at the gates. I’m to meet him after their council meeting. We’re to organise the defence of Notos together.’