Page 44 of Vows & Ruins
But Kipp narrowed his eyes, still not giving her mare any space. ‘Why do I get the feeling we’re not getting the whole story?’
Thea forced a smile. ‘The wraith slayer has her secrets, Kipp. You can’t be the only mysterious one around here.’
At last, Kipp acquiesced, though he didn’t look happy about it. ‘If you feel faint again, fucking say so. We can’t bloody well return you to Hawthorne in pieces – he’d skin us alive. Probably poor Torj, too.’
‘He would not —’
Kipp silenced her with a challenging look and she threw up a hand in surrender.
‘If you two would shut up…’ Cal murmured from a few feet ahead, where Dax had come to a stop at a crest in the trail.
Thea was still reeling from the strange vision the storm had shown her, her magic still vibrating in her bones, but she urged her horse up alongside the others, where they peered over the ridge.
‘Hide the horses,’ Kipp said suddenly, his voice full of command. ‘Stay low to the ground.’
Thea and Cal did as he ordered, dismounting swiftly and tethering their horses out of sight.
‘On your bellies,’ Kipp told them, already crawling back to the peak of the trail on his elbows.
Thea’s heart rate spiked. Whatever was over that ridge wasn’t good news for them, that much was clear.
When she found her place beside Kipp and took in the sight below, her heart lodged in her throat. Far down on the shore were several boats pushed up into the sand, and a small unit of men gathered on the beach. They wore no colours Thea recognised from Harenth, Tver or Aveum, nor was it likely anyone from the three kingdoms would seek to moor here. There were far better ports for access to Thezmarr… if that was what they wanted.
‘Look…’ Cal whispered, pointing out to sea. There was a much larger ship anchored out beyond the shallows, though again, Thea didn’t see any recognisable banners or flags.
‘Who are they?’ she murmured.
‘Can’t tell,’ Cal replied.
Thea turned to Kipp, but her friend was studying the force below, his lips moving as he counted.
‘We should get closer,’ she said, starting forward.
Kipp gripped her arm with surprising strength. ‘No.’
‘But you want to be able to report back, don’t you? We just need to get a little —’
‘No, Thea,’ Kipp said. There was no amusement or lightness in his tone.
‘He’s right, Thea,’ Cal put in. ‘We’re not to act, those were the orders —’
‘It’s not acting if we’re just creeping a bit closer for a better look.’
‘Yes, it is. We’re Guardians now, Thea. We must follow the orders we’re given,’ Kipp told her.
‘Then why send Guardians instead of scouts?’ she snapped.
‘Osiris and Esyllt sentmeespecially. I have a better understanding of armies and how they work than any scout.’ Kipp spoke without any of his usual bravado, just stating a fact. It was the most serious Thea had ever seen him.
He waited expectantly.
She drew a deep breath. ‘Alright.’
Kipp gave her a grateful nod and went back to his counting.
* * *
Thea didn’t know how long they stayed on that crest, but slowly, the sky was darkening.