Page 66 of Vows & Ruins
Thea had to laugh. ‘Says the king of cryptic with all his strategy meetings and secrets.’
Her friend put his hand on his chest dramatically. ‘I can’t help that I’m very important to the protection of Thezmarr. Also, I like the sound of being king of something.’
Thea gave him a light shove and Cal exhaled a long-suffering sigh.
‘The truth of it is, I don’t actually know how long we’ll be gone for,’ Thea told them.
Kipp nodded knowingly. ‘So you’ve come to tell us how missed we’ll be when you’re on the road with your big surly companion?’
‘Something like that.’ Thea chewed her lip and forged ahead before she could think better of it. ‘Actually, I wanted to ask you a favour.’
Neither of her friends hid their surprise, their brows shooting up as they exchanged a baffled look.
‘Did I hear that correctly?’ Cal asked. ‘The wraith slayer of Thezmarr is asking for help?Ourhelp?’
‘I believe you did, Callahan. I also heard something to that effect,’ Kipp replied.
‘Very funny,’ Thea muttered, already halfway to regret.
But Cal and Kipp put their food down, their expressions suddenly serious.
‘What is it you need, Thea?’ Cal asked.
Thea stopped herself from wringing her hands and glancing at the table where the alchemists sat. Instead, she trained her focus on her friends.
‘I was hoping you might look out for Wren while I’m gone?’ she asked quietly.
Kipp’s face brightened. ‘Have you two made up?’
‘But you want us to keep an eye on her?’
‘Got it,’ Kipp replied. ‘Will do.’
Thea’s brows furrowed. ‘That’s it?’
‘What d’you mean?’ The words came out garbled; Kipp’s mouth was already around a pastry.
‘No more questions? You’ve both been at me for weeks about her.’
Cal simply shrugged and poured himself more tea. ‘She’s your sister.’
Only then did Thea glance across the hall to where Wren was sitting with Sam and Ida, looking dazed.
‘That she is.’
* * *
Before Thea knew it, she was astride her mare with her pack fixed to her back and Wilder riding at her side. They had soon left Thezmarr behind, and as the Mourner’s Trail disappeared in their wake and the crisp morning air hit her lungs, she felt a weight leave her shoulders. At last she could breathe… That pressure that had built and built inside her ever since she’d passed the initiation eased. Something felt right in the world.
She glanced across at Wilder, and he met her gaze, offering a tentative smile, showing a hint of that dimple she loved, his expression making her stomach dip. This was new territory for them. She smiled back, her chest swelling with restrained hope. Perhaps they could make this work. Perhaps when everything was over, they could find their way back to each other.
He looked away first, reaching down to stroke his stallion’s neck, the movement gentle, full of appreciation. They drew to a halt at the Wesford Road that forked before them.
‘You never told me what your horse’s name is,’ Thea ventured, unable to take her eyes off the Warsword.