Page 76 of A Minute More
Even sex.
For some reason, I know Wesley would never do that to me. I trust him, in my own weird way.
I fuckingtrusthim.
“Come on,” Wesley says, grabbing on to my hand and helping me up. I can feel my ass empty his release as I move, and I feel embarrassed that it’s gotten on the sheets, but Wesley doesn’t seem to care. He just pulls me into the bathroom and wipes me up, his touch tender and careful.
When we’re finally put back together again, not smelling or looking like we just had sex, Wesley grabs my duffel bag and sets it in his car, then opens the door for me like a gentleman.
“Don’t want you making a run for it. You can’t change your mind now, man. You’re coming home with me and meeting the fam.”
I nod and buckle in.
It’s too soon.
And yet here I am…
Breaking all the rules.
Ishould have known better than to expect my mom and sister to be alone at their place when we arrived. Should have known that she’d invite the whole fucking family. She tends to overdo things and this would be no different. I should have come home sooner, but it’s been months and apparently she thought to throw a party.
“Oh my god,” Simon says softly. There are cars galore, and I groan as I pull into a spot on the street, narrowly missing a swipe at my cousin’s car. Not that he’d notice. His car is a wreck. It has more dings and scrapes on it than is reasonable.
“My mom is such a nut,” I say with a shake of my head and then turn to look at Simon whose skin is far too pale.
“I thought it was just your mom and sister here this weekend.”
“Yeah, and the rest of the family. Apparently, she got a little over-excited. I’m sorry, man…I should have expected this, but I was sex-crazed and…well, I just didn’t.”
“Wesley,” he says softly. “What—how are you going to explain me to all of them? It’s too much.”
Damn. I don’t fucking know. I’d planned on coming out to my mom as soon as we walked in the door, but it seems I’m coming out to my entire family now too. No way will I hide who Simon is or ask him to pretend to be something he’s not.
Even I know that’s an asshole move.
“I’ll figure it out,” I say and then hop down, jogging to his side and wrenching the door open. He stares down at me with those big eyes, and I smile warmly at him. My mom didn’t know he was coming, not that it would have deterred her from inviting everyone over, but she might have waited until day two at least.
Even she knows better than that. My family can be a bit much.
“I’m afraid,” he says, and I lean into him, putting my hands on his thighs and squeezing.
“Don’t be. They’ll love you.”
He eyes me and then hops down as I grab our bags and walk down the sidewalk, Simon in tow. Even from here, I can see my cousins lingering on the grass in the front yard, beers in their hands as they talk loudly.
“Listen, just know they’re all good people. Just a little…loud. And unconventional.”
Simon swallows and nods.
“Look who it is!” my older cousin Jimmy bellows. He has a long beard that reaches down to his chest and a backwards cap on. He looks like he just walked out of a mechanic shop.
“Hey there, loser,” I say as I pull him into a hug. Hmm, smells like he just did too.
“Fucker,” Jimmy says, and then I turn my head and hug Paulie who is the complete opposite of his brother, with a collared shirt and neatly combed hair.