Page 27 of Nova
Kenna stands with her hand on her belly and says, “Hi,” looking me over. Assessing me. Judging me. “You look like you’ve been through some shit. If there’s anything you need, ask any of us.”
I nod, kinda thrown off by how chill they are. “Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
“I have the perfect cream for that scar,” the lady called Letty says gently. “It’ll keep the skin soft so it heals and fades faster. If you want,” she adds.
I swallow and stare at each of the three women with heavy suspicion. Why are they being so nice to me? It doesn’t make sense, not when I consider they all likely believe I had a hand in what happened to Viper.
“Uhm, sure. Whatever. I mean, thanks.”Who the hell am I, acting like one of these bitches?I take a long pull of beer to steel my nerves.
Letty shrugs, “We all have our scars, honey. Some are just more visible than others.”
“We have more clothes if you need them,” Kenna offers with a friendly smile that puts me on edge. “I have a ton of clothes that don’t fit me anymore, but you’re tiny,” she says, rubbing her belly again. “We managed to get a few things together when Nova asked last week. But we weren’t sure of your size.”
“Last week?”
I look at Nova, and he shrugs. “You’ve been out of it for a while.”
I shake my head at Kenna. “Thanks. I just need a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and I’m good.”
I don’t want to owe anyone anything in case I book it out of here in a hurry. Sure, these bitches are all nice and everything now, but I know it’s all to get me to spill my guts, to rat out the Bloodthirsty Devils and help them get revenge.
What they don’t know is that I’m nobody’s snitch.
Which then begs the question, why the fuck do I care about BTD? They lost my loyalty the minute they beat the fuck out of me and left me for dead. Yeah, but I don’t like being used either, and that’s what these bikers want; to use me for information and then…what?
No fucking clue, which is why I’m reluctant to open up.
There’s a pause in the conversation while we all try to change the subject. I look around the crowded room and ask, “So, who are all these dudes?”
Letty starts counting off names I know I won’t remember except for a few. “Ace is our president, Wild Man over there can hack into anything, Coop…”
She drones on and I put my drink down and say, “I’m sorry. Thank you all, but, uhm, I need to go crash.” The lie falls from my lips easily. These girls are being nice to me—for now—and I can’t take it.
I throw out a fake smile, grab another beer, and go back to my room to figure out what the hell I’m going to do. I can’t change the past, but I can try and plan for the future. And that means getting the hell out of here.
But in order to do that, I need money and a way out that doesn’t involve getting shot or beaten. I’ve got one card left to play. I’ve got information the Reckless Souls want. I just gotta negotiate the right terms. I may be young and crazy, but I ain’t stupid.
I’m interrupted by a knock at the door. I open it to find Nova standing there, his eyes intense, his hands in his pockets. “You okay?”
I shrug. “As okay as I can be, given the circumstances.”
He nods, looking thoughtful. “Look, Maggie, I get it. This isn’t easy for you. But you’ve got to trust me. I’m trying to help you.”
I raise an eyebrow, not sure if I believe him. “How do I know you’re not playing me? I’ve been played before, Doc.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “I can’t convince you. All I can do is show you.”
I watch him, trying to read him, trying to figure out if he’s telling the truth. “Show me how?”
He steps closer, his eyes lock on mine. “Like this.” And then he kisses me, all warm and insistent, his hand cradling my chin. And just like that, I forget everything and get lost in him.
When he pulls back, I’m breathless, heart racing. “The fuck was that?”
He grins. “Proof.”
I shake my head, not sure if I’m pissed or turned on. “You’re playing with fire, Doc.”
He grins. “I know. But I’ll risk it. Will you?”