Page 19 of Keep Me
“I’m proud that you told him,” he explained. “I’m sure you were terrified, but you still did it.”
“It didn’t do any good.”
“You know that isn’t true. If you had kept it all inside then you would just be torturing yourself. You tried, and that’s better than giving up. Now you can start trying to let it go.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let him go,” I whispered.
“But you can still try.”
I laughed, and it felt good. “You start dating a guy and now you’re some kind of love expert.”
Oliver rolled his eyes and refilled our glasses. “I learned from the best.”
For years Oliver had been in love with Ben, the son of his father’s personal driver. Once Oliver had started at his father’s company Ben had become his own driver. The two of them had danced around each other for what seemed like an eternity while Oliver struggled with his sexuality, but they had finally realized they both felt the same way.
Half a year later his sister Daphne ended up dating her secretary Marina, so it must have run in the family.
He tucked his legs up under him and pulled at the corner of my blanket, stealing some for himself. “If it wasn’t for you I never would have ended up with Ben.”
“Please,” I scoffed. “The both of you were so lovesick it was only a matter of time.”
He shook his head. “I’m serious. You were the first person I told about my feelings. They had always been there, but I had been scared.” He jabbed my side with his elbow. “Ourworld doesn’t look too kindly on sexual deviants.”
I laughed again, the stress and anxiety starting to break away from my chest. “It certainly does not, though it isn’t my world anymore.”
“But I’m serious,” he continued. “I was so scared, Logan. I had tried to push it down, but I couldn’t. But you were there, and you knew yourself. Even if I wasn’t brave enough to tell anyone else, I knew that you would listen to me. And you did. I wasn’t brave enough to tell Ben how I felt until it was almost too late, but you were able to tell Reese even with the risk of rejection. You’re the strongest person I know.”
Pressure had started to build around my eyes. “That’s pretty sad.”
He ignored that. “What will you do now?”
“I’m not sure. I can’t go back to the apartment right now, but that’s where all my stuff is.”
“Obviously you’re staying with me for however long you need,” Oliver broke in. “But what about Requited? Are you really going to leave?”
Even the idea of leaving was painful, but I didn’t see another option. “The auction is next week, and I’ve already told Katie I’d be in it. I want to see that through, at least.”
Oliver chuckled. “Maybe I should come bid on you to make sure you get a good price.”
I scoffed. “Don’t be silly, I’m a fan favorite.” I sighed. “The Byrnes will be there, and they said they’ll bid on me.”
Oliver’s voice dropped, a serious tint to his words. “And if they win?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
He didn’t press it. “Well, until then you’ll stay with me, alright?”
“Yeah, alright.” A few stray tears slid down my cheek, but if Oliver noticed he didn’t say anything.
“I love you, you know. You’re my family.”
More tears escaped, and I didn’t try to hide the quiver in my voice as I answered him. “You’re mine too.”
Chapter Twelve
Requited was a scene of barely controlled chaos in the hours before the auction began. I had spent the last week hiding out in Oliver’s apartment, but I could only avoid this for so long.
This was Requited’s main event, the yearly auction that everyone looked forward to. We had been planning it for months, and it was going to be amazing. I couldn’t miss it, no matter what the circumstances; especially if this was to be my last.