Page 2 of Keep Me
Reese pushed himself up from the bed but my hand shot out and held his arm. I was unabashed as I gave him my best pout, which worked like a charm. He ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “Alright, scoot over.”
I was a cruel man. When Reese had first taken me in I had tried to seduce him - and failed. But he still slept with me that night, though I was sure he was just comforting me. After that, he didn’t tell me to stay, but he didn’t make me leave. I waited for months for the day he would kick me out, but after two years it still hadn’t come.
He owned the entire building that housed Requited and lived in an apartment above the club. There was a guest room in his apartment, but I still shared his bed. It should have been the perfect situation to make him fall for me, but even after all this time he wouldn’t make a move and would shut me down whenever I tried to initiate something. After that first night, he would only sleep with me during the shows.
It should have been fine. It was professional and fair. But it made every night I slept beside him painful.
I was in love with him.
As far as I knew he didn’t have a lover or a partner, but he still wouldn’t give me a chance. I was just one of his staff.
We settled in under the covers and I made a beeline straight for his body. He used to protest, but at some point, he had just accepted it. I snuggled up against him, relishing his warmth.
“Goodnight, Logan,” he said.
“Goodnight,” I mumbled, resting my cheek against his arm.
He was so good to me that it hurt. I loved him, but he didn’t love me. I had done my best to make peace with it, and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the life I had built in the club. If this was as close as I could get to him, then so be it; I would take whatever I could get.
Chapter Two
Reese’s side of the bed was cold by the time I woke up. It wasn’t unusual, but I always liked the mornings when he woke up beside me. Those were the lucky days.
It was just after 10. I had slept more than I meant to. I grudgingly made it out of bed and went to get ready for the day.
There was coffee in the pot in the kitchen, with the warmer still on. He was always so considerate to me; so much so that it made my chest hurt.
I lingered in the kitchen. Something about the simple domesticity appealed to me in a way I wasn’t quite ready to explain. The coffee ran over my tongue as I took the first sip, smooth and warm. I took it black, while Reese doused his with cream and sugar. It was disgusting, but I couldn’t help but find it cute.
My phone buzzed on the counter, disturbing me from my thoughts. A flash of panic knotted my stomach at the sound, and my muscles tensed automatically. The calls always came close to noon, and I always ignored them.
After a few more agonizing moments the buzzing stopped, and I held my phone in my hands, staring at the screen until the notification popped up.
Twin Oaks Hospice
1 New Voicemail
I knew what it would say, it was always the same. There were a dozen messages just like it rotting on my phone.
I clicked play, shutting my eyes as her voice chirped into my ear.“Logan, this is Patty. Again. Listen, I know you’re having trouble making the payments, but if we’re going to figure something out you’re going to have to answer my calls. If you get much further behind we’re going to have to send you to collections, and Ms. Jeanie won’t be able to stay here anymore.”There was a long sigh.“None of us want that, but we’re running out of options. Call me back. Please.”
My hand shook as I lowered it, clutching at the counter to keep from sinking to the floor. I was running out of time.
I pulled up my bank account and let out a weak laugh. My savings were empty, and my checking was down to $37.52. Payday was at the end of the week, and I made more at the club than I would anywhere else, but it still wasn’t enough.
Deep breaths did little to settle the storm in my heart. I had skills and was a good worker, but my father would see to it I was never hired anywhere in the business sector - or anywhere else for that matter. I had already begged for his help, but they had washed their hands of me after she lied…
It didn’t matter anymore.
I stood still for a moment longer, letting my heartbeat settle. I had made it this long, I just had to keep holding on. As soon as I got paid I would transfer everything to the hospice and go from there.
This wasn’t something I could ever share with Reese, or anyone else. Jeanie was my responsibility, I owed it to her to make sure she was taken care of. It had been too long since I had last visited her. Oliver had gone with me since he loved Jeanie as much as I did. I may have been her only grandchild, but she had always treated Oliver like family. She had been so excited when he introduced her to his partner, Ben.
Oliver was my best friend, and my only friend from my old life. As a member of the Calloway family, he was also lucky enough to be rolling in more money than he could ever need. I knew he adored my grandmother, his whole family did, and he always offered to help. But I couldn’t ask that of him. We had been through everything together, and we both knew how it felt to be used for our money. As much as I wanted to believe this was different, I just couldn’t.
I took a gulp of my coffee, letting the bitter liquid scald my throat. I wanted Reese. I wanted to see him. Even if his heart was lost to me, just the sight of him was enough. And I knew where to find him.
Reese’s apartment was on the fourth - and top - floor of the building. The first two floors were dedicated to Requited: the first for the club and some private rooms; the second for private rooms and the playrooms we did our shows in. The third floor was all apartments and closed to club members. He rented them out to staff members for a penance - $300 a month plus utilities. The rest were saved for performers or special guests who needed a place to stay.