Page 14 of His Will, My Desire
As soon as he had gone, the servants started undressing her. It was lucky she was used to strangers undressing her as a model, she thought, as otherwise all of this would probably unnerve her. They slipped each piece of clothing off without speaking to her and lay each carefully on a nearby table until she was totally naked, her perfect body leading some of the male servants to linger in their gaze, before realizing they were doing so, and averting their eyes. A woman who had been standing to the side just watching, then came up to her with what looked to Victoria like large make-up bag many make-up artists possessed. She wiped off all of Victoria's make-up, and then took a large a tube of something she'd not seen before. The woman then said,
“This may feel a little cold, but don't worry, it'll soon adjust to your body temperature.”
With that, she squirted some gold colored liquid onto the palms of her hands and began to rub it all over Victoria's body, from her toes all the way up to and on her face. Victoria looked down and saw her body covered in shining gold, and turned the palms of her hands over and saw the same. After a few minutes the sticky texture had gone and the woman was finished,
“There, if that doesn't impress them, I don't know what will.” The woman said.
Naked and gold, Victoria watched as the man who seemed like the head butler ordered the others to go to fetch 'the platter'. Victoria was already full and certainly didn't need another dinner, but when several men came back into the kitchen with a body length solid gold platter with nothing on it, she started to get the picture. Placing it on a long table, she was told to lie down on it, with herself facing upwards and to remain still at all times. She would be carried into the dining room, she was told. Feeling strange, she climbed on the table with the help of one of the men present and felt the cold feeling of the metal on her back. Then, 'hors de'oeuvre's', of deviled eggs, tongue toast and canape's where brought and placed carefully on the length of her body, with two also placed on her nipples, and another, just covering her vagina. Four butlers then lifted the platter up to shoulder height, with Victoria still on it hoping they wouldn't drop her, and they then followed the head butler who walked ahead of them. Victoria got the impression that wherever she was, it was a large place, as they walked down several hallways with high ceilings before they entered a large ballroom. She could hear there were men talking in the room, many in fact, and then all she heard was silence as they all obviously saw her arrival. She wanted to look around but knew she was unable to, yet longed to catch sight of Philip. She then heard wild cheers coming from the men, as they clapped and heard one saying,
“Bravo Philip! She's a masterpiece!”
That reassured her. He was there. Nothing would go wrong while he was there to protect her, she knew. The platter with Victoria on was placed down on a table in what seemed like the center of the room. She heard musicians and what sounded like a ball taking place. She was at some kind of event or party, but what kind of event it was, was what made her curious, but she remained motionless. Shortly, some men came around the table looking at her and taking food off her body as they looked at her. Then Philip also came beside her and started talking to one man,
“So this is the girl you've spoken of Philip. Your submissive. I'm rather jealous!”
“Yes, this is her, tonight is stage two of her training.”
“Stage two!” The man said confused, “I thought you'd at least be at stage three by now.”
“Well, unfortunately she needed to be punished rather sooner than I had expected.”
“Oh I totally understand old chap, no submissive ever goes through the training without punishment having to be implemented at one time or another.”
“Quite.” Said Philip, taking a canape off Victoria's nipple and leaning over her face and letting her see him eat it as he looked into her eyes. Victoria felt excited by that, seeing Philip's tongue come out to receive the food and the way he was looking at her.
“Here... ” Said Philip, taking another off her other nipple and giving it to the man, “Try one of these, I can assure you they taste much better when they have been resting on a super models perfect breasts.”
The man only too readily agreed and gave a groan of pleasure as he tasted it,
“Delightful.” He said, licking the cream that remained on his fingers off.
Philip moved away and many other men surrounded her, and finally she caught a glimpse of some of their faces by chance, but they were all wearing feathered masks that covered their eyes. But what she did notice when their hands moved to take the fine food off her body, was that they were all wearing the same gold ring with the same design on it, what looked like an embossed eagle and a lion. Very soon, there was only one piece of food she could still feel on her body, the one on her vagina, and one of the men called over the music to Philip,
“Philip! Philip! It's time.”
Philip stopped the musicians, and then walked over to Victoria, taking his dinner jacket off as he came. In front of her he began to address everyone present,
“Gentleman, it is now the moment you've all been waiting for. Victoria's stage two training will begin.”
The group of men clapped and cheered and then went silent as Philip leaned over Victoria's vagina and with just his mouth, took the last hors d'oeuvre, leaving her bare again. The men cheered once more as he turned to them and said,
“Let the training begin.” Philip announced, and took Victoria by the hand and told her she could now stand up. Helping her off the platter, she finally took a look around. The room was spacious and decorated in the classical English manner similar to what she had seen at Claringdale Manion. A group of musicians were in the corner, and what she estimated to be about twenty men all in dinner jackets, bow ties, and of course, the masks. After telling the musicians to leave the room, Philip then ordered Victoria to get on her knees, as the men looked on with glasses in their hands. Victoria did so, and knelt down on the carpet beneath her and in front of him.
“Undo my trousers.” Philip commanded.
Victoria did so, and knew then that Philip intended her to do all this with all the men looking on. She felt slightly uncomfortable, but looking up at Philip looking masterful and stern, she knew she must do this as part of her training. There was a part of her that felt indignant, but it was a part of her that was gradually getting whittled away and being replaced by a more docile aspect of her character. Undoing his pants, she then pulled them down and looked around. All the men were watching her intently, this super model painted in gold on her knees in front of a Lord. With Philip's white briefs being the only thing that separated Victoria's mouth from Philip's cock, she pulled them down and he then stepped out of them and the pants that were on the floor underneath him. Philip was naked from the waist down, and his cock was erect and in front of her. As soon as she saw it, she didn't care anymore about people watching, she just longed to get it into her mouth, and then the group of men began to shout in unison,
“Suck! Suck! Suck! Suck!” They repeated over and over again.
Victoria brought her hand onto Philip's tool, and saw the gold of them around his thick cock, the cock that she'd wanted for weeks. She pulled his foreskin back to reveal the full head of his purple penis and licked it, making her tongue dance around the tip as she looked up at him,
“Good girl.” He said, watching her face shimmer with gold flecks as she brushed her hair to one side so he could see more of her. Philip then wanted her to take his cock deeper and began to slide himself back-and-forth into her lips. He always seemed to like that, she knew, and she reciprocated by opening her mouth fully and taking it to the depth of her throat. Philip didn't know, but in the previous weeks, Victoria, whenever she was alone, practiced controlling her throats natural gag instinct by putting her fingers down it time and time again, until she was able to stifle the urge to gag, and now it was paying off as Philip entered her mouth deeper than ever before, and Victoria kept up her rhythm each time. Philip realized then that Victoria had passed another sub-category of her training. Her mouth was now the perfect vessel for his manhood. After partaking of the pleasure of her mouth, Philip told Victoria to rise, and by the hand walked her with the other men following to another room adjacent to the main one.
The room was surrounded by mirrors, from the walls to the ceiling and floors. But in the center were chains and black leather straps hanging down. Victoria looked at Philip, who had now removed all of his clothing and thrown them to the floor. Philip grabbed onto her hair and pulled her over to the hanging implements of her submission. It felt slightly painful to be grabbed by the hair at the nape of her neck, but after the initial pain she found it quite releasing in some way. Philip then pulled Victoria's wrists behind her back and strapped them with the two clasps that were hanging from the chains, fastening the buckles tightly. He then wrapped the main leather piece around her waist that went up to just under her breasts, and again, did up the buckles tightly. Victoria gasped slightly. The chains hanging dangled behind her and she looked at them and above herself pensively. Philip walked over to one side of the room were there was some black cord and then came back, showing it to her and making her wonder what he was going to do with it. But first, Philip went over to what looked like a pulley system that was connected to the chains. Taking the chains in his hands, with his cock still rigid in front of him, all the men's and Philip's eyes were on Victoria, as then he began to pull. Gradually, Victoria felt the chains begin to take her off her feet until she was only barely touching the floors by the tips of her toes, and her wrists behind her were pulled back further so she couldn't move her arms anymore, and her torso was forced horizontal. Philip walked back and picked up the cord. Bringing her knees up to her front, he tied the cord around the back of them and then the two pieces of cord up the front of her body before tying the two ends around the back of her neck so she then couldn't move either of her legs. She was dangling prone in the air. Looking down, Victoria could see her gold body and breasts, looking ahead she saw in the mirrors herself totally helpless, but Philip stroked his hand along the length of her body, seemingly to reassure her. The men were all watching her, waiting for Philip to do what must be done to every new submissive that was to enter their society. Philip moved around to the back of Victoria and then asked for 'the belt' from another man who walked forward and handed it to him.
“This is going to be enjoyable for us both.” He said, with Victoria nervously looking at the reflection of him in the mirror with one end of the belt now wrapped around his fist. Philip raised his arm high, and then brought the belt down hard on Victoria's bare butt, leading her to yelp in pain, with her body shuddering in the air.
“What's my safe word Philip?” She suddenly shouted, worrying about how far this was going to go.