Page 41 of P.S. I'm Still Yours
“Wait, the beach house? As in…”
Mom nods. “That’s right. The one in Golden Cove.”
“What? But how? I thought it was sold after Mr. Wilder died.”
“It was. But the new owners went bankrupt. It pushed them into foreclosure.”
The news leaves me speechless.
“I didn’t want to impose at first, but she insisted. She said I should think of it as a thank-you for taking them in after her husband died.”
Talk about a full-circle moment.
A million questions leap to the front of my mind. “Hold on, are you saying Evie bought a seven-million-dollar beach house? With what money?”
Sure, Evie is comfortable. She purchased a gorgeous ranch in Colorado three years ago, although, technically, it wasn’t with her money.
That’s when it all makes sense.
“Kane bought it for her, didn’t he?”
One look at her face, and I know I was right.
Kane bought the beach house for his mom.
Of course he did.
You’d think I would’ve learned not to be surprised by anything this guy does anymore.
It feels like not too long ago, he was taking my first kiss while knowing damn well that he was leaving the next day.
I can still see it.
Fourteen-year-old me, walking downstairs the next morning, a big dopey grin on her face, only to find out the boy she loved had left her.
On her birthday, of all days.
Kane and his mom had boarded a plane to LA earlier that day, off to chase a dream we’d built together. Then I never heard a peep from him again.
He didn’t text, didn’t call.
He just… vanished.
I later found out that Kane had been approached by a talent manager for one of the biggest record labels in America.
I remember thinking it was weird that Kane and his mom hadn’t come home for dinner the night before Kane disappeared from my life. Well, it turns out they were having a business meeting with Joshua Caldwell.
He’d stumbled upon the video of Kane singing “Iris” and fallen in love with his voice. He made the trip to Silver Springs solely to see Kane and his mom and convince them to fly out to LA at his expense.
The deal was that he’d pay for their food and hotel while doing everything in his power to get Kane’s name out there.
It wasn’t long before Kane started fascinating people all over the world. Not only was he gorgeous and talented, he was under the management of the industry’s most influential man.
Joshua is known as the brain behind Hollywood’s biggest celebrities. Story has it, every artist he’s ever discovered has made it big, and he has a special eye for untapped potential.
The first single Kane released was “I’m Still Yours.”
It debuted at number fifteen on the charts, which was unheard of for a new artist. Less than two weeks later, he was number one. It almost seemed like the universe was playing a joke on me.