Page 72 of P.S. I'm Still Yours
Shay is a gorgeous, tanned, short-haired brunette with a shy personality. And it’s not just her hair that’s short. I’d say she’s five-foot-two at most.
Brooke is the polar opposite.
She’s loud, opinionated, and the kind of girl who pretends to have a drinking problem as an excuse to get close to a guy. Although something tells me she doesn’t usually have a hard time finding a date.
The girl is a stunner with her long blonde hair, slim figure, and piercing blue eyes. She’s also tall enough to be a model, but she wears heels anyway. As a way to flush out the shorties, she says.
She mentioned she always wears stilettos on first dates to make sure the guy isn’t shorter than her. Basically, any guy under six-foot-something gets blocked and ghosted.
“Okay, we’ve been over my embarrassing guy stories. Somebody else go.” Brooke laughs before glancing around our circle. “Jamie, got any embarrassing girl stories?”
Jamie laughs. “Where do I start?”
Jamie’s got more stories than anyone I know. Might have something to do with the fact that she came out when we were very young.
We couldn’t have been older than eleven when she first told me. I remember the day it happened perfectly. We were hanging out at the park in Golden Cove when she jumped down the monkey bars, looked at me, and said, “I think I like girls.”
Mom has a good friend, Lena, who’s married and has three children with a woman. Girls liking girls was nothing I’d never seen before, and I honestly couldn’t have cared less.
In response, I nodded and said, “Okay.”
Then we went on with our day.
Jamie proceeds to tell us all sorts of hilarious stories about the girls she’s dated. Drea follows suit, telling us stories that make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to ache.
Apparently, some guy she was dating asked her to save all of her used tampons and ship them to his house. Something about wanting to cherish every part of her.
And they say romance is dead.
Brooke eventually asks Drea if she’s got some sex stories to share, and I figure she’s going to end it there.
Until she casually says, “My boss walked in on me getting railed by my coworker.”
My jaw drops.
She was very careful with the words she chose.
My boss.
My coworker.
Jamie and I are the only ones who know she works for Kane. I have no doubt Jamie would never talk to the media—she’s never even told Brooke and Shay that she knew Kane as a kid—but I understand why Drea didn’t give them names.
We don’t know who we can trust.
Not without an NDA, anyway.
“Holy shit. By who?” Brooke asks.
Drea’s cheeks flare. “Just… some guy.”
I bet it’s Scar.
I see the way he looks at her.
Like he wants to pin her up against the wall and devour her. Holy shit… that would mean Kane walked in on them while they were fucking.
Or maybe she’s talking about someone else, and Scar is just checking her out because he has eyes.