Page 65 of A Vicious Rumor
"As if," Bianca replied.
"Okay, Cher," Kitty teased. "And since you're so not afraid, then you can go first."
Bianca rolled her eyes again but relented. "Fine, ask your stupid question."
"Have you ever gone down on a guy before?" Kitty asked.
Bianca gave her friend a weird look. "Obviously. That was too easy."
"We're just getting started," Kitty said. "Now it's your turn to pick someone."
"Fine," Bianca said. "Jess, who's the last guy you kissed?"
Jess turned bright red and shook her head. "Dare."
Bianca's eyes lit up with mischief. "Oo, it must be real bad if you don't want to tell us," she said. She looked over at Alicia. "Was it Brad?"
Alicia's eyes fixated on Bianca and then on Jess. I just sat there and watched, taking in the entire scene in front of me. These girls were not friends with one another, that much was clear. I didn’t even know why they pretended to get along. Why have a sleepover like this, on a school night especially, when you clearly all hated one another?
Jess didn't say anything. She just gave Bianca a look. "Fine. Dare then," she said, tapping her lip. "I dare you to post a photo of yourself right now, no filter."
"What?!" Jess huffed.
"Those are the rules," Bianca said with a smirk.
"That's totally unfair. No one said we'd have to do things that are public.
"I don't get what the big deal is," Bianca said in a far too chipper voice. "It's not like everyone at school can't tell that you're obviously using filters when they see your real face."
"At least my real face is pretty," Jess said. "Unlike yours. The only thing you have going for you is your tits, but those will sag in like twenty years and then you'll have nothing."
I had a feeling things were going to get heated. Zachary had too. He'd warned me to try and stay out of the drama as much as possible and also to say as little as possible. I looked across the large bedroom at Kitty, who was just texting on her phone, not even paying attention to the cat fight that was about to take place in front of her.
It took everything in me not to jump into the middle of the fight and tell the girls both to apologize to one another.
Bianca just laughed. "Yeah, well at least I have tits and don't have to resort to kissing guys like Brad. How gross."
Alicia looked really angry now. "Did you kiss Brad?" she yelled at Jess.
"Oh, she did more than kiss him," Bianca said with a smirk.
"You're such a bitch," Jess said.
"I can't believe you," Alicia yelled.
Jess gave her a disgusted look. "He got tired of waiting for you to put out. All you do is dangle your virginity in front of guys like a fucking carrot. It gets old after a while, babe," Jess said in a haughty tone. "Besides, you're not that interesting."
Alicia lunged for Jess and grabbed her hair. Apparently that's what it took to get Kitty to look up from her phone. "Oh my God, girls, stop," she said. "Jess, the rules are the rules. Post the photo and let's keep going."
"Ugh, fine," Jess said, tearing away from Alicia. It took her five full minutes of finding the right angle before posting. All our phones dinged at the same time with a notification. I opened up Instagram and there was the photo of Jess. She'd still managed to take the photo at an exceedingly good angle, and the hashtag was #nofilter. I tried not to roll my eyes as I pressed a heart to the post.
"There," Jess said. "Happy?"
Neither of the other girls responded. Instead, Kitty chimed up in an all too cheerful voice. It's like she thrived on the drama. "Ok, Jess, your turn!"
Jess turned her eyes on me, and I did my best to appear calm and like I was having fun. These girls were like freaking hyenas. They could sense dying prey and would jump on it if they got the chance.
"I want to know if Lily's ever loved someone," Jess said to me.