Page 77 of A Vicious Rumor
"That's not Mr. King's wife," I said out loud, starting to put the pieces together. "And Zachary's never mentioned that he's adopted." I paused. "Come to think of it, he's the only one in his family with this vibrant blond hair and blue eyes."
My mother tightened her lips and gave me a face. "I think we just figured out what that little girl was doing all those years ago. She was taking bribes from powerful people to cover up indiscretions."
"If Zachary's a bastard," I said, "that could put his inheritance at risk, couldn't it?"
My mother shrugged. "Sort of depends on how his family documents are written, but yes, I suppose for a very traditional family, it's feasible some matriarch or patriarch could disinherit him."
I sat down and put my head in my hands. If all this were true, and it turned out that Zachary really was the product of an affair, he might not actually have rights to the Social List after all. That would certainly throw the entire Academy and social order that grew up around it into complete upheaval. I could see why he would want this file. First of all, just to know the truth, if he weren't ever told. Secondly, if it were destroyed, the truth might die along with it.
"Can I have this?" I asked my mom.
She scrunched her face. "Technically, I'm not allowed to let you take original documents out of this office. That would be a violation that could cost me my job."
"Oh," I said, feeling defeated. I knew Zachary wouldn't be happy with just a copy. He wanted the original.
"But, I do have to go to the bathroom," my mother said. "So, do you mind putting this file back where we found it and locking the door behind you?" she said, handing me the keys and giving me a wink.
I smiled and nodded. "Sure."
My mom pulled the old Town Car up to the big mansion on Sunday evening. "Are you sure you want to go back?" she asked me. "You don't have to do any of this."
I nodded my head. "I know I don't, but I want to. I think this opportunity came to me for a reason. Maybe I can figure out a way to help Zachary figure something out about himself."
My mother smiled and leaned in to give me a hug. "Just make sure you don't forget to take care of yourself in the process," she said.
I nodded, gave her one last hug, and exited the car. I made my way over to the West Wing and down the hallway. I walked past the club room and Zachary opened the door as I was about to enter my own room. "Where'd you run off to?" he asked me.
"Home," I said.
He nodded his head. "Rock was having a fucking fit when he couldn't find you, you know that right?"
I grimaced. I'd completely forgotten that I'd turned my phone off and hadn't turned it back on all weekend. Then I remembered what Ronny told me. I turned back to Zachary and shrugged. "He should have thought of that before he ditched me this summer."
Zachary smirked. "Goodnight."
"Hey, Zachary," I said to him.
"Yeah?" he replied, opening his door back open a bit.
"I've got something to show you," I said.
He yawned. "Unless it's your pussy, show me tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes. He was always so crass. "Fine. Goodnight," I said, closing my door. I plopped myself on the bed and let out a sigh. I switched my phone back on. Fifteen missed calls from Tyson and just as many voicemails. Another one lit up my phone. My thumb hovered over the reject button, but my conscience won out.
"Yeah?" I said in a huff, putting the phone to my ear.
"Jesus Christ! Lily! Where the fuck have you been?" he all but yelled at me.
"What's it matter to you? I'm not your girlfriend," I sassed back at him.
"You think I give a fuck about something like that? I care about you," he said. My stomach dropped. I hated how he said things that always made me feel so conflicted. "Now, where the fuck have you been?"
"I went home, Tyson. I'm fine."
"Where are you now."
"I'm back at Zachary's."