Page 11 of Total Obsession
I placed it on the top of the nightstand and put the little card on the nightstand next to me. Maybe tomorrow morning it wouldn't be there. Maybe the whole thing was just a dream.
I thought for sure you'd forgotten about me.
It had taken me two weeks to find the time to text Axe. I'd just been so busy with the new television show and all of the promotion that had been going on for it.
No, that wasn't right. I actually had plenty of time. Except, each evening, I would lay in bed and looked at the little black card and couldn't figure out what to say.
Sorry, I’ve been so busy.
Awe, no need for apologies, Ms. Campbell. You're a beautiful and busy woman. The world wants you. I know my place.
He was so smooth with his words. I wondered if it was even possible that this was the same nervous, awkward boy that I knew from childhood.
Where are you now?
New York City. Where do you find yourself this evening?
I paused for a minute. Was I really prepared to see him again? I mean, sure, we bumped into each other in Milan two weeks ago, but that wasn't planned, and the encounter was so fleeting. I hated to admit it, but it absolutely left me wanting more of him. He was such a mystery to me. I'd had regrets about him since our first day of high school. When he disappeared, I'd cried for weeks and wasted away for a few more months after that. My mother had been so concerned that she'd tried to bring me to see the school guidance counselor, but they couldn't understand what it was I was going through.
Yet, here he was, acting like none of it had ever happened. Acting like he hadn't just disappeared from everyone's life for, gosh what was it now, 15 years? More? And he turns up looking sexier than ever, apparently richer than ever, and rubbing elbows with some of the most powerful people ever.
I'd busted my ass these last few years to scrape up what I managed to have. Sure, I had some very lucky breaks compared to my contemporaries, but that didn't mean I didn't put in the work to put myself in a position to let those things materialize. I was about to turn 30 and as a model, I knew that my time was limited. If I didn't want to start making porn, I had to find my next gig and fast.
I took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to tell him where I was.
I'm in New York, too. I was here for an interview.
His reply was immediate. My heart swelled as I felt all his attention on me. He didn't wait to respond as if he was doing something more important. It was like talking to me was the most important thing in his life right now.
And for how long are you here?
My flight to Milan is booked for tomorrow afternoon.
I'd love to see you, Zoey.
I could feel my face blush.
Would you consider staying an extra day so that we can spend tomorrow together? It's been so long.
My heart was pounding out of my chest. If someone had told me fifteen years ago that Aksel Michelson was going to make me swoon, I would have said they were crazy, but here I was.
I would love that, except I don't have the ability to change my flight. The agency booked it for me.
I'm not worried about a flight. I've got to head to London tomorrow and can easily reroute to Milan first. You can fly with me.
Fly with you? I'm not sure I could get a ticket on such short notice, let alone afford one.
I hadn't meant to admit that last part. I was supposed to play the role of the successful, young talent.
Pretty girl, I don't fly commercial. There's no need for you to book a ticket. You will fly with me, and we will spend tomorrow together. Please text me your hotel. I'll be by around eleven tomorrow morning to pick you up.