Page 21 of Total Obsession
"Is it?" I asked, running my fingers into her hair. "Or is it liberating?"
"What if I admit something to you and you judge me or decide to never speak to me again?"
"Isn't that better than living with a lie, or worse yet, a truth you're unable to speak?"
She took a big breath of air. "It's something I want," she said softly.
"There," I said immediately. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"
She looked at me as if waiting for me to jump out the plane window.
"You're not upset?"
"Why would I be upset with you?" I asked her. "Why would any man be upset with such a beautiful creature desiring them?"
"You think too much of me, Axe," she said, calling me by my first name for the first time.
I shook my head, letting my fingers fall to her neck. "No one's ever questioned my judgment before. I'm not going to let you be the first, especially when you're so obviously wrong."
I brought her forward and kissed her, and she fell into me willingly.
Was I really kissing Axe again? The first time it all felt so rushed and spontaneous. The second time felt fueled by desire. This time felt different.
It feltintentional.
I didn't even know anything about him. He'd dodged every question I'd thrown at him. In a way that was so smooth and practiced that I didn't even realize it until he had done it.
I was falling into him further and further, wanting to know more and more about him, and I knew that was dangerous. It was just that he seemed to reassure me in ways that I'd been missing for so long.
It hit me and I realized that I had been missing it since he and I ceased to be friends all those years ago. It probably served me right considering what I’d done to him. The more time I spent with him, the more I hated myself for what I’d done.
He broke our kiss and I whimpered, expressing my discontent. He chuckled at me, wiping some of the saliva away from my bottom lip before putting the finger into his own mouth.
"It's only temporary, pretty girl. I just want to take this somewhere more private. Come on," he said, grabbing my hand and standing up with me.
I followed behind him, taking in how ridiculous this entire private jet was and idly wondering just who he could work for that would give their employees free use of something that probably cost more money than I'd made my entire life.
We walked down the hallway and Axe lead us to the door at the end of the hall. Inside appeared to be a well-appointed bedroom. There was a sofa off to one side with a television, a lavish bed in the center of the room with plush white bedding, and inset dressers below the windows that showed the darkened sky outside.
Axe surprised me by taking a seat on the white leather sofa and pulling me down next to him. Given the fact that he brought me up to the bedroom, it only seemed logical for him to choose the bed. He was always making me feel off balance.
"I can just let you get some rest if you're tired," he remarked.
I stared at him in disbelief. I couldn't tell if he was toying with me on purpose, but everything he said made me want him more. It was frustrating as much as it was intoxicating.
"Do you not want to?" I asked him, letting my insecurities get the better of me.
"On the contrary," he winked. "But, I also am not one that would ever dream of pushing a woman into something she doesn't want to do. Any person, for that matter, sexual or otherwise. I believe in a person's autonomy to make decisions, first and foremost."
He took a packet of what looked like mints out of his jacket pocket and popped one into his mouth. He gave me another wink, and I couldn't help but smile back and feel a bit more at ease. I felt my confidence grow as he looked at me as if waiting for me to make the first move.
I moved closer to him, and he didn't object. So, I did it again, until I was finally swinging one leg over his lap. He still had that calm, cool, and collected smile on his face, and I leaned in to kiss him.
He didn't fight me.