Page 30 of Total Obsession
Tears filled my eyes, and he rushed over to me. He dropped the roses on the sidewalk beside us and wrapped me in his arms. "What on earth is the matter?" he asked.
He didn't even let me try and wipe the moisture away from my own eyes. A strong hand was there, trying to stop the torrent of emotions that were falling down my face.
"It's just been a long day," I lied.
He squeezed me tighter and gave me a look. "Please, tell me what's really going on."
"I guess I just got worried when I hadn't heard from you," I admitted, feeling entirely pathetic that I couldn't even go 24 hours without talking to him.
He cradled my face between his hands and pressed a kiss to my lips. It was all very surreal. I didn't even fully understand what Axe and I were. We hadn't had that discussion. Why was I crying? Because I hadn't heard from him in a few hours?
"I'm so sorry," he said. "I got caught up trying to get things ready for you."
"Get things ready for me?"
He smiled. "Well, I thought it would be a fun surprise to throw you a welcome party at your new place."
"A party?" I sniveled, feeling more and more like an idiot with each passing moment.
He nodded his head, his smile still in place. "That's right. Is that something you'd like? If not, we can call it off."
"No! Don't call it off after you went to all the trouble!" I said immediately. "I'm sorry I'm like this. I think it's just been an emotional time for me."
He pulled me into another embrace. "Don't apologize. I understand. I'm sorry I made you worry."
I recognized the scent of a Tom Ford cologne, and I breathed him in deeply. He wore it in a way that you'd only smell it if you were able to get in super close to him. Just being able to inhale the blend of citrus, leather, and anise that suited him so well made me feel special.
"Come on," he said, picking up the roses.
"Are those for me?" I asked him.
"Of course," he said, handing them to me. They were blood red and gorgeous.
"They're beautiful. You shouldn't have," I said quietly, feeling totally unworthy of his affection and kindness.
"Nonsense," he said, walking me through the front door. He smoothly signaled to the front desk attendant to grab my luggage still out on the curb as he walked me over to the elevator. "The most beautiful girl deserves the most beautiful roses, especially after such a long trip."
I couldn't help but smile at his words.
"There," he said, pressing the button for the elevator. "That's what I love to see."
I looked up at him, and he pressed a soft kiss to my lips keeping his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders. I felt so enamored with him at that moment that I wasn't even paying attention to the beautiful lobby I was standing in.
If I had been paying closer attention I might have realized that the place seemed to cost more per month than the network was even paying me for my role in the show. Marble stretched out before us and was accented with black slate throughout. The elevator doors themselves were the same slate black and the whole place just had an upscale vibe to it.
When the elevator arrived, he ushered me inside and pressed a pretty high floor number.
"I'm really surprised the network is paying for all of this," I said, looking around at the beautiful little elevator car.
"I'm not," he said. "It's pretty standard for a big network like the one hosting your show to give their talent these sorts of benefits. Besides, it ultimately helps them save on taxes. They can justify paying you slightly less because they're providing really expensive housing. Didn't you think your paycheck was a little light?"
The car chimed and we stepped out into the hallway. "I mean, I assumed it was because I was new to the industry," I admitted.
He shook his head as he escorted me down the hall. "No. You're worth what you're getting and more. They know that."
My heart swelled at his words.