Page 54 of Total Obsession
I should have been terrified by it, but for some reason, I wasn't.
Perhaps it was because I was still holding onto the illusion that I was in control because the only reason that she was with me was because I willed it to be so. It was all part of the plan.
This is what I kept telling myself, and at least as of yet, I hadn't called anything off. I knew what was coming down the pipeline for her. It was the only way I was able to sleep at night considering the odd things I was starting to feel around her.
The driver pulled past the gate and into the driveway. I didn't say a word when I exited the car, and he didn't either. I entered the house quickly, closing the door tight behind me and locking it.
The moment I was alone, I could tell something was off. There was absolutely no movement in the house. "Zoey?"
There was no response. I went through each room of the house, then checked outside. The bed was unmade, but there was no indication of a break-in.
I pulled up the camera footage from the day and scrolled through it quickly. Almost as soon as I'd left in the morning, I could see Zoey getting into an Uber.
"The fuck?" I cursed under my breath. Here I was thinking that this day couldn't get any more fucked, and here I was being wrong again.
I quickly texted Will, my assistant.
Need a location on a Zoey Campbell.
His text came back in about two minutes with a response.
She boarded a flight to LaGuardia this morning. She's currently in New York.
Knowing I was alone in the house, I let the rage I was feeling at today fill me. I dropped my head back and let out a roar. If it were one of my own properties, I would likely have destroyed something, but I knew that would just invite more trouble and questions about who was staying there.
I did not want to be on the radar of being in Miami right now.
I stripped out of the Zenga suit I was wearing and threw it into the fireplace. I doused it in lighter fluid and tossed in a match. It was slightly cathartic to watch the five thousand-dollar suit go up in flames. It was a good lesson that some things had more value dead than alive.
"Okay, can you please explain to me why on Earth you thought that this man had the ability to get Matt, ofallpeople, to cancel, let me repeat that,cancel, filming for an entire week?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "He said he'd talked to the show's producer. He's supposed to be above Matt, right? I just still don't understand why he would lie to me about something like that," I said, taking a much-needed sip of wine.
"Men are all pigs," Miranda scoffed.
"I don't think he is," I said quietly.
Miranda made a face at me. "I don't like him."
"Yes, I know," I said with a small laugh. "You've made that very clear. You're also basically the only one that feels that way."
"That's because I'm smart and everyone else is blinded by the glitz and glamour. Don't fall for it, Zoey. Be a smart girl like me," Miranda said, tossing her fiery hair back behind her head.
I smiled and took another sip of wine.
"So, have you looked at your phone?" Miranda asked me.
I scrunched my face at her.
"Good. Bastard. Even if he has an excuse, who cares. He could have lost you this role. I say dump him and move on. Maybe try women. We're more thoughtful."
"Is that your plan?" I asked.