Page 86 of Total Obsession
"No," I replied. "I've just been having a chill day and have really tried to stay off my phone."
"Well, I'd recommend you get on your phone and get caught up," Sarah said.
"Can you just tell me what's going on?" I pleaded with her.
"I'm really sorry, Zoey, but I can't," she said. "And, I know this doesn't come at the best time, but the agency is withdrawing its contract."
"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, bolting upright in my chair. A few people looked at me from across the room and I quickly crouched back down. "I don't understand. What about the movie deal? The second season?"
"Neither of those offers exists anymore," Sarah said and my heart dropped. It was like my entire world was being pulled out from under me. How bad could this gossip be? I tried to think through if I'd done anything wrong lately.
I guess other than carrying on with Axe, who was technically wanted for questioning. But, would that really result in a network completely pulling two offers out from under me?
"Sarah, please," I said frantically into the phone.
"I wish you the best, Zoey," she said before the line clicked dead.
I pulled the phone down from my ear and looked at it in disbelief. It took me a few seconds to get over the shock of what had just happened before I realized that I desperately needed to know what was going on.
I quickly Googled my name and sure enough, there were a lot of recent articles about me. I clicked the first one from TMZ and looked at it in horror.
Zoey Campbell: Sex Tapes and Criminals
You've probably already seen the raunchy sex tape of who was supposed to be America's next sweetheart actress on Pornhub today if you're paying attention to the news at all. The video shows a very naked, very drunk, Zoey Campbell performing all manner of naughties on an unknown man in a rather upscale poolside.
TMZ was able to find the location of this little production, and it appears to be a luxury rental on the outskirts of Miami.
Which makes a lot of sense, because not only has Zoey been busy, well, getting busy, but that boy toy Axe Michelson that's been hanging off her arm for the last several months has been identified by police as a suspect in an unsolved Miami shooting.
Too bad, Zoey. It seemed like things were going so well for you. But, who knows? Maybe she'll make a career out of this. We've seen other women do it. Hey, Kim!
Tears welled up in my eyes as I read the article. I didn't want to see where the PH link went, but I also needed to know what was on the other side of it. In my heart I knew, but a part of me really wanted to believe that Axe wouldn't be capable of something like that.
I made sure my phone was on mute and clicked the link. Sure enough, a video of me giving him enthusiastic head popped up. By the time I clicked it off on my phone, I could barely see because of the moisture that had accumulated.
I suddenly felt like everyone was looking at me. I all but ran out of the shop and back to my apartment. I kept my head down the entire time, but much to my horror, there was a swarm of reporters waiting outside of the front door. I gritted my teeth and pushed past them, trying to get inside without anyone noticing that it was me.
"Hey!" someone shouted just as my hand reached for the door. "It's her!"
"Zoey! Zoey! Ms. Campbell!" The shouts were loud, and I was being pushed this way and that. I didn't say anything. I just continued to keep my head down and pull on the door until finally, I was inside. The reporters knew better than to try and follow me into a private residence. The two very large security guards standing just on the inside of the glass ensured their cooperation.
I made my way over to the elevator calmly, acting like there wasn't an entire street worth of people taking photos of me as I did so. I knew all of these pictures would end up on the front page, and I needed to do everything I could right now to put on a good show.
Maybe I could figure out some way to defend myself. I'd need to hire a marketing firm and fast. I could figure all of that out when I was in the safety of my apartment. The elevator was quiet, and when I made my way toward my door I felt better with each step. I knew once I was inside, I could have the breakdown I desperately needed to have.
I waved the card in front of the door.
And nothing happened.
I did it again.
Still nothing.
I wanted to cry.
I wanted to scream.
But, I knew I couldn't do any of those things. Instead, I had to walk back to the elevator and make my way down to the front desk. I stood in front of the elevator doors for over thirty minutes, because I knew that if I appeared back downstairs, the reporters would still be there. I did not want them to think that they could get more photos of me at this location.