Page 99 of Total Obsession
"More," he agreed.
I sat in silence for a moment, trying to figure out what I wanted to ask him. There were so many things floating through my mind; I didn't know where to start.
I finally decided to just pick something and see where it took me.
"What's your actual job?"
"I'm a hitman for the mafia,” he said frankly.
I nearly choked on my coffee at hearing him admit it.
"You told me you wanted the truth."
"I do," I said.
"Well, pretty girl. My story isn’t going to be very pretty."
"Don't call me that anymore," I said to him, and he put his hands up.
"Does that mean you've killed people?" I asked, which was a foolish question.
"How did you get the job?"
"After I ran away from home, I was living on the streets. I tried to pickpocket the head of the mob family, and I guess he saw something in me," Axe explained.
"More like he saw a kid he could use and abuse," I said. "You should have gone with child protective services. You wouldn't have been in the system that long."
Axe shook his head. "The thought processes of a 14-year-old are very different. I've never been one to choose unhappiness over uncertainty."
"So, you've been working for this guy since you were 14 as a hitman?"
"Yes, since I was 14. No, not as a hitman. I did a variety of jobs to work my way up in the organization until I got to where I am today." He paused. "Was."
"How much money do you have from all of this crime?"
He chuckled. "Right now, Will's likely cleaned out the majority of my accounts, just like he did to yours. I may have a few things stashed away that he couldn't get to. Plus, I have a few hundred thousand dollars in cash on my person right now."
My eyes widened and my eyes looked up and down his body. He wasn't wearing anything but a pair of dress pants and some bandages. He followed my movements and smirked.
"Well, in a manner of speaking. Hope you're enjoying the show."
I blushed and reached over for one of the pastries wrapped in plastic. I was mad that he caught me looking. "Don't flatter yourself.That'snever happening again."
He didn't respond. He just nodded. I could tell that he didn't believe me. I didn’t even believe me.
I shoved the sugary bread into my mouth and chewed, giving myself time to think about what I wanted to ask next.
In a way, I didn't want to ask the question that had popped into my mind, but I also knew that I needed his answer.
"Was it you? All this time? Messing with my career?"
"Yes," he said immediately.
A mix of anger and sadness welled within me at hearing his confession. "To what extent?"
"To varying extents," he said.