Page 23 of Alien Prince's Claim
We had seven whole days to fill with sexy escapades and we didn’t need to hurry into it right away.
No matter how much I wanted to.
He handed me my refilled glass back to me. “So, where are you from?” he asked.
“A small town in a country called Australia,” I told him. “It’s called Alice Springs. Have you heard of it?”
Of course he hadn’t.
There were people on Earth who hadn’t heard of Alice Springs!
“Do they make springs there?” he asked.
His question threw me. “Springs?”
“I assume the town is named after what you produce? Springs, perhaps? Or whatever Alice springs are?”
I chuckled and almost spilled my water. “No. We don’t make springs. I suppose someone might though… It’s named after a waterhole. The Alice part comes from the name of Sir Charles Todd who…”
As I rattled off a bunch of random facts, I appraised Yaltah, who paid close attention and nodded his head thoughtfully.
I realized just how strange this whole situation was.
I had resigned myself to the fact I wouldn’t get a male this time and now, suddenly, here I was.
In a Seeding Facility with another being — aliens to each other — having met for the first time just a few minutes ago, and now we were meant to mate so he could plant his seed inside me.
Then it occurred to me that to many people on Earth, that was nothing much different from a regular Friday or Saturday night!
Except no one went out to deliberately get pregnant — although, with the difficulty of having babies these days, I supposed that they would if they could.
If Yaltah was there right now, the women would be literally fighting each other to get at him…
Instead, I had him all to myself.
He had given himself to me, just as I had given myself to him.
He was all mine, to do with as I pleased…
I swallowed again and found my throat as parched as the Gobi Desert.
It had nothing to do with the amount of water I drank but the thought of having my way with him.
“How… How about you?” I said with a croaky voice. “Where do you come from?”
“I’m from a large city in the Krev empire. It’s the capital city and home to much of the empire’s riches. Including the Dawning Light Royal Palace.”
“Wow. That sounds nice.”
He nodded. “It has been the throne of power in our empire for over a thousand years.”
I let my eyes drop to the front of his pants again. “Hm. You don’t say. Is there much stiff… I mean, uh, much competition for the throne these days?”
He shook his head. “The heir is clearly identified so the people always know who to follow, so there is never any chance of a break in the line nor any chance of war.”
“That must be hard… uh, difficult to maintain. The power, I mean. The line of succession.”
I was talking about something I knew absolutely nothing about.