Page 3 of Alien Prince's Claim
She seemed dead, out of it, as if she weren’t really present at all.
She would soon be present soon enough though, I thought, once her male inserted his enormous cock inside her.
She was swiftly followed by a second, and a third.
Some put up more resistance than others but they all eventually gave in.
I kept a close watch on them, looking for any sign they might back down.
Then I would be allowed to enter the room and take their place.
So far, none of them did.
As they were led from the room — one opportunity leaving after another — I began to feel a sense of urgency.
I would have to wait at least another month before I would get the opportunity to return to the Seeding Facility — and even then only as a Reserve.
The waiting list for the Seeding Facilities was months and often, when there were no cancellations, years.
I had reserved my place already but that was still eighteen months away.
Eighteen months!
I could have had almost two babies in that time!
I didn’t want to wait that long.
I wanted to have my baby now and the longer I waited, the more time I would waste.
One of the females whimpered and my attention immediately shifted to her.
Hope thundered in my chest.
Was this it?
Was she going to quit?
My mouth turned dry with expectation.
She shied back from the male’s hand as he tilted her chin up and appraised her appearance.
He was looking for something, I realized.
But what?
The beast before her was massive — one of the largest in the room — with deep blue scaly skin and a dominating, imposing size.
He wasn’t raging and out of control like the other males and instead seemed to exude confidence, power, control.
I had expected him to grasp at the female, sniff her as the others had done.
It would only serve to compound her fear and make her even more terrified, but an alien male in Steyatt wouldn’t understand that.
But he did no such thing.
Instead, he gently stroked her cheek.
Tears were in the female’s eyes and I felt certain she was going to cave, going to give in.