Page 49 of Alien Prince's Claim
At least, I had thought it had…
Then the corner of the blanket began to move, shifting to one side as a thick leathery ear poked out, its thick tuft of hair following soon after.
The creature looked all the world like a Gremlin and peered out from under the blanket, a lost and confused smile on its face.
It looked friendly enough.
I took a step further into the room and said in a soft voice:
“Are you all right, little fella? Do you need some help? Have you lost your mommy?”
The creature’s bright yellow eyes looked me over head to toe, before raising its nose and sniffing the air.
A smile twisted its thick lips… and then broadened into a grin that exposed its sharp needle-like teeth.
Its yellow eyes that had reminded me so much of a cat suddenly lit up with focus and its brows due down into a sinister frown.
It stepped from the blanket, and along with it came a throbbing mass of meat between its legs.
The head was bulbous and huge, seeping thick liquid that eked from its tip and spattered on the floor.
Well, I don’t remember that from the movies!
No, I thought. This dude doesn’t need any help at all.
“I can see you’ve, uh, got everything handled here…” I said, backing away.
The creature made lewd thrusting motions with its hips, jabbing his huge piece of action in my direction.
My ass came to the door.
I reached back without looking for the handle.
I somehow sensed that the very worst thing I could do right at that moment was to show the creature my back…
And so I kept my eyes firmly on it as I scrambled for the door handle, found it, and depressed it.
I eased the door open.
The creature didn’t rush forward, and that should have sent up alarm bells.
Then I bumped into something behind me, something that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
When I turned to look back over my shoulder, I saw there wasn’t just one of the little monsters, but three of them…
They jumped on me, knocking me to the floor, back inside the room.
I just knew they had every intention of using their raging hard-ons.
And I screamed.