Page 6 of Alien Prince's Claim
No chance I would get to mate with an alien male.
I picked up her scent the moment I entered the room.
It was a rich, flowery aroma that froze my senses with distraction.
At first, I had thought it had come from the female Wyak, which was why I had approached her in the first place.
She was a pretty little thing with large yellow eyes and black slitted irises constantly moved back and forth, taking in every detail.
She was clearly afraid, clearly in two minds about being Claimed by an alien male of my — or any of the others’ — size.
Her entire body quivered and although I did my best to comfort her and make her feel at ease, I felt certain she would not accept me as her mate.
That was when I picked up that overwhelming aroma once more and realized that it wasn’t coming from the female Wyak standing before me at all but from elsewhere.
From outside the Claiming Room.
Somewhere I could not see but my nostrils could sense.
I tracked it to a single patch of wall, then to the exact location I thought it issued from.
I moved toward it and breathed her in deeply, unable to think clearly.
It was not only her perfume — and she must have ignored or unwittingly broken the Seeding Facility’s rules as they always encouraged females to wear no perfume and allow males to smell their own natural scent — but the smell of her sex.
It was dripping wet and prepped for mating.
Even though I could not see it, I desired it.
I hungered for it.
I wanted to lap it up and satisfy my Steyatt with it.
I wanted to slide my cock inside and pummel it into oblivion.
I wanted to dominate it.
I didn’t know what the female looked like and didn’t care.
I wanted her.
But I didn’t know who she was.
Did she work at the facility?
Was she a random stranger or visitor?
Or a member of the managerial staff maybe?
I was about to issue the order to one of the Assistants standing around the room to bring her to me when I felt something tug on my arm.
Surprised someone had managed to creep up on me (how could they not with my attention so keenly focused on the delicious creature residing on the other side of the wall?), I turned to find the quivering female from earlier, her hand pressed against the hard scales of my arm, a small smile that grew confident with each moment that passed.