Page 65 of Alien Prince's Claim
We were truly fated mates, I knew that now, and there was no way to deny it when he was inside me like this, pulling more and more exquisite sensations from me too glorious for words.
I felt his cock harden even further and if I could reach over and feel his balls, I was certain I would have felt them tighten.
But I didn’t need any of that.
I just knew he was drawing near to his own explosive end and when I heard him grunt in the back of his throat with each stroke now, I knew I was right.
I pulled my head back and looked into his eyes and watched as his pupils dilated within his golden-purple irises as he spilled himself inside me.
For that fraction of an instant, we were not in the Facility at all, we were already free, already among the stars, had already found somewhere safe where we could wait out the demon Goblars until they had forgotten about me.
We lay like that, in our sweaty, fulfilled embrace, until Yaltah eased back and said softly:
“I’m sorry. We must get going. They’ll be searching for us.”
I nodded and let him pull away from me.
He went to the wardrobe and took out an armful of dresses and held them each up in turn until I found one I liked — a simple full-length black number.
It was a little baggy but it only served to make me feel more comfortable.
“How do I look?” I asked him.
“Better than the owner.”
I gave him a flat look. “And how could you possibly know that, buster? Do you know all the females who work in this Facility?”
He brushed my cheek and tickled my lips with his own. “I don’t need to know them. I know you.”
I felt weak to my knees that had nothing to do with my earlier exertions.
“All right, Mr. Silver Tongue,” I said. “So, what’s the plan now?”
“Now,” Yaltah said, easing the door open and checking the tunnel in either direction, “we get so lost that not even a Blutiarch could find us.”
I had no idea what a Blutiarch was and it didn’t matter.
I took great confidence from his fortitude and knew everything was going to be okay.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I would have liked to say the tunnels were empty, that there were no more Goblars we had to deal with… but that was a fantasy and not the world we lived in.
It seemed that for all their stupidity and lack of awareness and monstrous appearance, they had to have some kind of organization as they knew their comrades had already fallen.
We didn’t turn down a single tunnel without hearing their hawking hacks as they chased after us, of their shadows dancing on the walls in horrific nightmarish visages.
“This way,” Yaltah would say, often without me seeing what was around the next corner until later, as his superior senses — both his hearing and sight — seemed to pick up on dangers long before my own meager human senses could.
And so we ran, despite my body protesting with blank refusals to go any further, not wanting to take another step anywhere in any direction, we continued on.
The floor seemed to slope downward, which I was immensely grateful for as it made heading deeper easier and with less resistance than if we had to scale against it.
I didn’t know if Yaltah knew where he was going, if he had a detailed plan other than the mission he had told me earlier: