Page 13 of Mine to Love
“Lead teller?” I jump to my feet and my chair rolls into the wall behind me. “I worked my way out of that job nineteen months ago. Who’s going to be the chief loan officer? The assistant branch manager? Hell, who is replacing you?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve been given my new role and have the next few days to transition from here to Bangor. And Nancy is retiring.”
“Retiring? She’s barely sixty.” Nancy replaced me as lead teller when I got the promotion to loan officer. Even though Nancy has worked at the credit union for twenty-five years, she hadn’t wanted a leadership position, but I had encouraged her to step up. Nancy has been doing a wonderful job at it.
“She’s getting an impressive retirement package. They’re taking good care of her. Her husband retired last year, so now they can travel more.”
“If this is their idea of kicking out older people and hiring young, incompetent—”
“I don’t see that as the case, since they’re reading through resumes with a fine-toothed comb.”
“Teller? Really?” I plop down in my chair again.
I loved being a teller in my early twenties. It wasn’t my dream job, but I got to be surrounded by numbers, and I love working with people. It didn’t satisfy me long term though. It was why I worked my way up to where I am today.
“Do you know how much of a pay cut I’m getting?”
“Same pay.”
“Really? And health benefits.”
“Same but could be changing for everyone. I’ll get the details later.”
“Thanks for letting me know, Warren.”
“I’m sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news. Not that it matters, but I did fight hard for you.”
“It does matter, Warren. Thoughts on the new guy?”
“Haven’t met him yet. I had to go through his people.”
“Is it unheard of to have one person buy out credit unions instead of established banks?”
“Rumor has it his company is behind this, but they’re based in Texas. He’ll be running the show remotely with the occasional pop ins.”
“Lucky us.”
We talk for a few more minutes, running through the list of employees and who got cut, fired, retired, demoted, and promoted. When I’m alone again, I text Emerson.
Reese: Demoted to lead teller. Pay still the same. I’ll know more later this week.
It’s a few hours before Emerson texts back.
Emerson: Love you, peanut butter. Family gathering this weekend. Join us? Drinks are free, as is the entertainment.
My cheeks warm, and I’m not a blusher. Being entertained by Logan wouldn’t be so bad. He’s the one person who can take my mind off my shitty job.
BY FRIDAY MORNING, I’ve already moved out of my office and am training Brandi, a teller who was hired two months ago and is still screwing up her drawer every night. Why she didn’t get axed, I have no idea.
Probably because of her big boobs and spray tan. Not that anything is wrong with either, but I’m in a mood. I just explained how to link a parent’s account to a child’s account for the third time when the air shifts in the small lobby.
Brandi looks up and purrs. “Well, now. He’s not from around here.”
I roll my eyes and look up and nearly tumble, which would be especially awkward since I’m not even walking.
Logan stands out among the casually dressed customers, and even from Naomi, the new loan officer who transferred from the Ellsworth office. Naomi is nice enough, even if she did take my job. A mother of two high school students, she has experience and efficiency under her belt, but there is no warm and fuzzy feeling from her. She’s all business.