Page 32 of Mine to Love
When Reese starts eating, I relax a little. She’s obviously shaken up about more than walking in on them.
“Is this Mariah person good for your dad, do you think?”
She lifts a shoulder. “Probably.”
“I can’t imagine losing my mother, much less my father moving on with another woman. It must be hard on you.”
Reese lets out another sigh. “I’m okay with my dad having a girlfriend. I’m happy for him. For them, really.”
“Oh.” I bump her elbow with mine in what I hope she perceives as playful. “Could have fooled me.”
“Why didn’t he tell me about them?” Reese shovels a loaded chip into her mouth and chews, then shovels another one in before finishing with the first. “They’ve been dating since this fall,” she says around a mouthful of food before taking a sip of her water.
“This fall?” Johnny hadn’t mentioned a lady friend, nor did he bring a date to the wedding.
“I feel like a fool. They’ve been sneaking behind my back worried how I’d take the news. All this time I’ve been rushing home from work to care for him, canceling plans, skipping out on a social life so I can be there for him, and come to find out he doesn’t even need me.” She eats while she talks only pausing to swallow.
“I got the impression from your dad that he wants you to have a social life. He doesn’t want you giving up your life for him.”
“Yeah, well, he could have told me sooner.”
The nachos weigh heavily in my gut. Had Reese ended a previous relationship to care for her father, and did she wish for that man to be back in her life? It shouldn’t matter. I’m not part of her life other than being her boss, but not really. I own the bank she works in. And I’m also the one responsible for taking her promotion away.
I shouldn’t be jealous of her past, of her previous lovers.
Yet here I am. I don’t want to be on that list of past lovers.
I want to be on the current list.
The only one on the list.
I MAKE AN IMPROMPTU trip to the Ellsworth branch and sit across from Warren in his office. The man has a stellar reputation from both Frank, the previous bank president, and from the other branch managers. He’s short term though, with retirement knocking on his door. Reese could take his seat, as had been the plan before I purchased the credit union, which I recently learned. But now I have bigger and better dreams for her.
Johnny’s words at Holden and Emerson’s wedding come back to me. She has too much pride to take handouts.
I’ll have to tread carefully.
“What brings you in on a Saturday morning, Mr. Pierce?” the elderly man asks, not nervous, not bothered, but curious.
I unbutton my suit coat and sit leisurely across from Warren’s desk. “You’ve been with Coastal Credit Union for over twenty years.”
I nod. “Word is you’re the one who knows the most about his employees, and those at the other branches as well.”
Warren furrows his brows. “If you’re looking for dirt—”
“No, no, no.” I wave off Warren’s concern. “Exactly the opposite. I’m looking for a candidate who...who is driven and has a good head for numbers.”
Warren sits up straighter. “What kind of experience are you looking for?”
“Experience is nice but not always necessary. I need someone younger.” I shake my head. “I’m not being ageist. I mean on top of current trends of the stock market, investments, percentages, ratios, all the fun math stuff many people–young and old–can’t seem to wrap their brain around. Someone who isn’t set in their ways, be it a fifty-seven-year-old or a...twenty-eight-year-old.”
Warren’s brows furrow again. “Are you looking at working with one of the credit union employees or an outside person?”
Shit. I hadn’t thought about the other connections Warren may have. “Someone who is familiar with banking is preferred. I’ll have my assistant email you the job description, pay, and benefits. Feel free to forward it on to anyone you think will fit the bill. Your personal recommendation is highly valued.”