Page 52 of Mine to Love
“I’m guessing this used to be someone’s house. Smart of Logan to convert it into a business. With as much time as he spends at work, he’ll need a kitchen. I wouldn’t be surprised if his couch folds out to a bed.”
Imagining Logan in a bed in our workspace is not a good path to go down.
“If he expects me to be married to my job like him, he has another think coming.”
“According to Holden, Logan has high expectations of himself, but I hear he’s a pretty damn good boss.”
Doug and Melinda gave me the same vibes, as did the other employees I’d met in Texas. They all respect Logan and mentioned him not liking them working extra hours unless they’d preplanned it and it was unavoidable, even for the salaried employees.
“Let’s go shopping for your office.”
“Um, what happened to my best friend who hates shopping?”
“And what happened to my best friend who never needed an excuse to go shopping?”
We spend the rest of the day at TJ Maxx and Home Goods and then get everything else I need and don’t need at Target. Holden stops by later with pizza for dinner and helps us move some of the furniture around.
“Thanks, guys. I haven’t thought about having my own office space in a long, long time, but this is exactly how I envisioned it.”
“WHAT THE HELL?” I DROP my briefcase and a box of files on my desk and scan my office. This is not how I left it last week. First, I don’t like my desk right by the window. It’s a distraction, and the sunlight casts shadows and sun rays on my computer screen.
And where the hell did the fake trees come from? I pluck a leaf from one. They’re freaking real trees. In my office.
“What are you doing in here?” Reese startles me and I jump, still holding the leaf between my fingers.
I hadn’t seen her since I left her naked and sleeping in her hotel room. Her cheeks were flushed and a trace of beard rash on her neck. The rash is gone, but her cheeks are just as fiery red this morning, only not from our night of sex.
She’s wearing black slacks and heels that teeter on the edge between classy and sexy. A black suit coat covers a pale pink blouse that doesn’t offer a hint at the most perfect breasts underneath.
Business professional attire. No skin. No sex. She’s all business, as am I, yet I skipped the suit coat. Working in the office today and not seeing any clients means I can afford to be more casual. Gray slacks, a light blue shirt, and tie are still professional yet not as formal as I dress in Texas or when at the bank.
She folds her arms across her breasts and gives me the stink eye. “Why are you killing my tree?”
“Why is your tree in here?”
“I decorated.”
“I see that.” I glance around the room. “Why?”
“Because it was sterile.”
“I don’t need...all of this.”
“Then keep your space sterile. If I’m going to be spending a lot of time here, I’d like it not to feel like a prison.”
I don’t call her on her drama. This office space is anything but prison-like. Even empty and with no décor. “Why are you going to be spending a lot of time in here?”
Reese scrunches her nose at him. “Because I work for LP Financials. I signed a contract.”
Letting out a sigh of frustration at her sarcasm, I rub my hand over my jaw. “I’m aware. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be spending a lot of time in here.” I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed with her from time to time, but my office is my sacred space. I don’t like distractions while I work.
“I don’t mind working from home, but then why did Doug send me a key?”
“Why are you working from home?”
Reese closes her eyes and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “I knew you’d be weird about this.”