Page 55 of Mine to Love
I need an excuse to leave early. Want an excuse to leave early. Chances are Logan won’t be there since he was in Austin yesterday, but Holden had said something a while back about him showing up for holidays and birthdays.
It doesn’t matter either way. Logan Pierce is my boss, and we have mutual friends. Other than that, he means nothing to me. Regardless, I’m dressed in my cutest cut-off denim shorts and pair them with a red crop top and white wedges. I wear my navy blue polka dot bikini underneath. Maybe a bit revealing for a family gathering, but it is the Fourth of July and we’ll be on the beach.
“Oh my word. Your top is adorable. Where did you get it?” Camilla greets me with a hug and an approving once over. “Those wedges. Epic. I have a similar pair in beige.”
“Thanks. I think I got them on Amazon a couple years ago.”
“You gotta love the adorable and affordable clothes we can find online these days.” Cami can afford dressing in all the top designers' wardrobes, but she’s a social media influencer success because she showcases affordable and trendy finds that mirror what all the celebrities are wearing.
“Can I snap a picture for my social media? I won’t show your face if you’re not comfortable with it. Actually, I don’t want to show your face. My followers will obsess and stalk you.”
“Um. Yeah. You’re beautiful, and there are always the ruthless haters who are especially cruel to people like you.”
“People like me?”
“Gorgeous. Long, sexy legs. Cute boobs.”
“Cute boobs?” I laugh.
Someone behind me clears their throat. I figure it’s my father and Mariah, taking their time to walk to the door, but when I turn, I have to tilt my head quite a bit until my gaze reaches Logan’s.
“Hey. You made it.” Cami releases me and hugs her brother. “Mom will be happy. She was a bit miffed you took off late Thursday night without any notice.”
I lift my brow. Yeah, he totally escaped to avoid being alone with me while I presented my research.
“I had work in Austin.”
“Nowadays you can do almost anything remotely. There must be a woman there. Are we not good enough for you to bring her home and introduce her?”
Logan scratches the back of his neck as if nervous.
Awesome. I’m the tramp he cheated with. Now more than ever I have to pretend our night together meant absolutely nothing to me.
“Who would’ve thought my stuffy boss was such a ladies’ man.” I pat his chest with a carefree chuckle and wander off in search of Emerson.
For the rest of the afternoon, I stay on the beach playing frisbee, cornhole, and dipping my toes in the water. The sun is hot, and I shuck my tank and shorts, opting to play in my bikini. It has nothing to do with Logan hanging out on the deck with our parents looking down at me and his brothers and sisters-in-law playing.
After an hour of taunting, Nick finally convinces him to come join us for a game of volleyball. Boys against girls. Emerson isn’t the greatest at volleyball, but Skylar and Camilla are decent. And I played in high school, a little tidbit I keep to myself.
“This isn’t your first time, is it?” Nick asks after I spike the ball past him. Again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I hold out my hand in front of my face. “I think I might have broken a nail with that one. You boys okay?”
“Emerson,” Holden hollers from the back line. “Did Reese play in college or something?”
Emerson lifts a shoulder. “I’m pretty sure she was too busy tutoring the football team.”
“That and other things,” I add. I sneak a quick glance in Logan’s direction. Usually when someone asks me about college, I clam up and pretend to not be devastated about having to drop out. Having a career for the first time, despite the lack of a degree, has given me the self-confidence I was lacking.
“The boys are pissy because they’re losing.” Camilla laughs from behind me.
“We’re not losing. Game point on the line right now,” Nick corrects.
“Game over right now.” I tuck the volleyball against my hip and head to the back line.
Beach volleyball is a little different than playing on the hardwood. And worrying about my bikini bottoms riding up my ass or my boobs popping out add another challenge, but girls in their bathing suits make it just as challenging for the men to concentrate. If not more.