Page 70 of Mine to Love
“It’s fine.” She uncrosses her arms and waves them through the air, adding a lightness to her voice. “I mean, really. All is good. But you should eat first. You brought all this food and haven’t had a bite since...? My guess would be sometime yesterday.”
She’s spot on there. I’ll stay for lunch. Or dinner. Whatever the meal is, and then play it by ear. If she lets me, I’ll stay all weekend.
“It’s ready now. Nothing major. Soup and grilled cheese. I was going to wake you soon and then...if you want...I can make dinner later.”
“That sounds perfect.”
Reese is unsettled. Maybe she’s contemplating having me stay or kicking me out as well. We had agreed on not mixing business with pleasure, and that was when she worked for the bank, and I barely had anything to do with her position.
Now with her working directly under me and being my only employee, the line should be thicker. Instead, we completely erased it.
“It’s canned chicken noodle. Nothing fancy. If you hadn’t brought bread and cheese, that’s all you’d be having, so thank you.”
I slide out a stool and take a seat at the counter. “Thank you. Like you said, I haven’t eaten in twenty-four hours. I’m surprised I had enough energy to—” Do I want to go there? Flirting is okay when the chemistry is hot and sex on the horizon. Now, I’m not so sure.
“Torment, tease, and bring me to orgasm? Twice?”
I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment. This is why I don’t do morning afters. Or afternoon afters. Or ever afters.
“Yeah,” is all I can think to say.
She mumbles something under her breath and sets a grilled cheese sandwich in front of me, then turns to the stove and ladles soup into a bowl.
I pick up my sandwich and finish half of it before she’s even filled her own bowl. “I’m sorry. I should wait for you.”
“Logan, you need to eat.” She sits in the stool at the end of the counter instead of next to me. “When you’re in town, I watch how hard you work. You’re killing yourself. Is it all worth it?”
“It will be. Eventually.”
“Are you one of those men who can never have enough money or power?” She takes an aggressive bite out of her sandwich like she’s angry with it. Or me. “You’re going to work yourself to the grave and never experience life. Or be happy—I’m sorry. My mouth runs faster than my brain sometimes. I shouldn’t have said that. You’re my boss. I—”
“Reese.” I push my plate away and turn sideways so I’m facing her. “I’m not your boss right now. Not here. You don’t owe me an apology, especially since you’re spot on.”
“It’s not my place to say anything.”
“It’s nice.” I reach out and take her hand in mine. “Having you look out for me.”
She nods then slips her hand away and concentrates on her food. There’s a trace of vulnerability in her as well. For some reason, it makes me feel more comfortable. Reese is an independent, outspoken woman. If she doesn’t want me here, she’ll tell me. Instead, she’s looking out for me.
We finish our meal in silence. When I’m done, I clear my plate and bowl and bring them to the sink. Spotting my keys by the folded up grocery store bags, I scoop them up.
“You’re leaving?” Reese looks up at me with disappointment.
It must be the comfort food giving me the courage to flirt. “You don’t want me to?”
She glances across the counter at the stack of groceries I brought over. “I mean, I guess you’re all talk.”
She stands and crosses the space, picking up the second box condoms, tossing them in the air.
“This morning you implied needing both boxes.” She snorts and chucks the box at me. “You only opened one box and used one condom. I call that all talk and very little action.” She turns her hand around pretending to inspect her nails.
I hide my grin and lean my hip against the counter. I like this game much better than the awkward silence of a few minutes ago. While she inspects her manicure, I inspect the box of condoms.
Waiting it out a little longer, I peek at her over the box seeing if she’ll cave first. She doesn’t. I set the condoms down and jangle my keys.
“I see two options here. Possibly three.”
“Hmm,” she says, still feigning disinterest.