Page 88 of Mine to Love
“Damn. How come none of us saw this coming? How long has this been going on.”
“You girls are a nosy lot.”
“I’ll ask Cami.” Nick takes out his cell phone and calls our sister. After lots of convincing and the promise of a dozen donuts in the morning from her favorite bakery, he hangs up. “She’ll be here in fifteen minutes. She says if our asses aren’t waiting for her on the curb she’s not waiting.”
Knowing our sister, we don’t take the threat as an idle one. After we square away our bill and leave a hefty tip, we head out into the cool fall air to wait.
I don’t drink as much as my brothers on a regular basis, so the beer hits me harder. Or at least it seems that way. I’m not stumbling over my words, but there is definitely a buzz between my ears.
Cami’s white Tesla comes to a screeching halt at the curb. She rolls down the window and hollers, “Get in, bitches.”
We argue over shotgun, but Nick wins out since he’s heading back to our parents’ house with Cami.
“I take it I’m dropping you off at Reese’s?” Cami eyes me in the rearview mirror.
“You told Cami but not us?” Holden pouts like a little girl.
“I didn’t tell her.”
“Reese told you and not Emerson? Or, shit. Did Emerson not tell me?”
“Dude. What’s the big deal about Emerson not telling you?” Nick asks from the front seat.
“We don’t keep secrets.”
“Maybe she’s a loyal friend. Did Reese tell you?” I ask Cami because I need to know if she’s been talking about me. I hope she has. And I hope she told Emerson. It will piss Holden off like hell, which will give me something to razz him about until the end of time.
“No one told me. It’s obvious.” Cami speeds down the empty streets of Acadia Falls and turns down the long windy road that leads to Reese’s condo.
“Obvious how?”
“Please.” Cami snorts. “You come home every weekend, only you don’t stay at the house. I tried to get it out of Reese the last time Nick was up. Actually, the last time we saw you too, brother. You two couldn’t be more obvious about trying not to look at each other.”
“I look at her.”
“Oh, I know.”
“How come I didn’t see that?” Nick whines.
“‘Cause you and Holden are too lust obsessed with your wives. You wouldn’t notice a naked woman if she fell in your lap.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Holden asks.
“Fine. Bad analogy. Seriously though, Logan. You work with her and can’t bring yourself to have a conversation with her? What I don’t know is if you were already doing the nasty before then or if you hooked up afterward.”
“You’re as nosy and pathetic as our brothers.”
“But I’m right. And I figured it out first.” She pulls into Reese’s driveway. “Tell her I said hello. And if you break her heart, I’ll break your pecker.”
“Nice mouth, Camilla.”
“Love you. Make sure you suit up. Although, I wouldn’t mind more nieces and nephews.”
Nick and Holden bark out in laughter, and I hightail it out of the car and up the front steps of Reese’s condo. I knock on the door and try the handle. Locked.
“She kick you out?” Nick yells from the car.
I don’t turn around and hold up my arm and flip him the bird. Finally, Reese opens the door wearing nothing but one of my white T-shirts. Cami taps the horn then peels out.