Page 91 of Mine to Love
“I’d do more things right now if I didn’t desperately need a shower and a toothbrush.”
“And I’d do those things in the shower with you if I could stand without my knees wobbling.”
A cocky grin curves his lips. “Swept you off your feet, did I?”
I stay in bed while he showers. When he comes back fresh, clean, and dressed, he leans over me and gives me a heart melting kiss. “Your presence is requested at the family dinner tonight.”
“I’ll go only if you want me to.”
“Of course I do. Now go shower up and get dressed before I forget about how sore you are.” He whips the covers off, and I do nothing to cover up my naked body.
“All talk.”
Since we slept most of the day, it doesn’t give me much time to talk with Emerson before seeing her at the house. The quick texts I send while I get ready will have to tide her over until the car ride home tonight. Since Logan has a red eye flight out of Bangor tonight, Emerson and Holden are giving me a ride back to the condo later.
Before I’m mentally ready, we pull into the Pierce’s driveway. Logan leans over the center console and kisses me. “Stop fidgeting. My family already loves you. There’s nothing to be nervous about.”
“I’m not nervous.” I stop tapping my fingers on my thigh. It isn’t an evening of meeting the parents and siblings. It’s just a normal dinner, I tell myself. Only tonight I won’t have to hide my attraction to Logan.
Will he be weird about it, though? He compartmentalizes so well at work, not even giving me a lusty stare except for that one time. If he distances himself from me tonight, my heart will break.
No, not break. I’ll be disappointed. Maybe a little hurt.
“You’re beautiful.”
I smooth my maxi skirt. “Am I too dressed up? Normally I go more casual.” Normally I dress to tease Logan, not impress his parents. My top is more subdued tonight, not revealing any cleavage. Granted, now that it isn’t summer anymore, my sleeves are longer and my necklines a little higher.
“Come on.” He hops out of the car and rounds the hood to help me out.
I carry the bag with the bottles of wine in one hand and hold Logan’s with the other. Other than our walks, we’ve never been out in public before. Not that this is public. I have no idea if he’s a handholding, hugging, cheek-kissing kind of guy, or if he’ll smack a kiss on my lips in front of his family.
Nick holds nothing back when it comes to showing affection to Skylar. According to Emerson, Holden was a little reserved in the beginning, but he touches and kisses Em any chance he can get now. Even Logan’s parents are affectionate with their pet names and sweet kisses to the cheek.
Logan’s dad greets us at the door. “Hey, kids. We’re so glad you could make it.” He gives me a hug first and then Logan. “Holden and Emerson stopped to pick up donuts for Cami. Apparently, you boys didn’t pay up this morning.”
“Pay up?” I tilt my head to Logan.
“For being our taxi driver last night.”
“You had quite the night, I hear,” Isabella says as she comes down the staircase. The twinkle in her eye shows she’s talking more about Logan and my relationship than the drinking or the wild sex.
My cheeks warm. No. She’d have no way of knowing about the sex Olympics. Unless I drunk dialed Emerson and told her and she was on speaker phone and Holden heard, who said something to–
“I’m glad I got to spend some time with Holden and Nick.” Logan hugs his mother, interrupting the train wreck of my over-active imagination.
“Maybe we’ll get to see more of you when you come to town as well. But I don’t blame you for wanting to spend your time with Reese.” She gives me a squeeze. “She’s a wonderful young woman.”
Isabella strokes my hair as a mother would and winks at me. While no one can ever fill the void in my heart from losing my mother, Isabella’s love and acceptance of me into her family has warmed my heart.
“Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag...” Logan rests his hand on my lower back.
“The cat’s been out for some time.” His mother chuckles.
“What?” Logan curls his hand around my waist, and I move closer to him. “How?”
“You two couldn’t have been any more obvious. Your father and I are happy for you both. Johnny, on the other hand, doesn’t have a clue. He’s waiting in the living room.”