Page 31 of Love You Already
“I knew it was you before you made it inside. I was already up and watching the fields.”
Never mind that it's dark enough he can't possibly see anything. The point is that we both seem to be suffering from a touch of insomnia.
“What's got you up this late?” It's a question I wouldn't ask in front of anyone else. Nate wouldn't answer either. This is a conversation for times like this. The times where we're one-on-one are when we're best connected.
He shrugs as he sits on a stool by the counter. “Couldn't sleep. Sometimes it's hard. Especially with how fucking cold dad keeps it in this place.”
I wince. “Yeah, I can't imagine that feels too good with all your pieces and parts.”
Nate gives me a sideways look. “You're hilarious Rosie Roo.”
He pokes fun at the nickname from my childhood. I scrunch my face despite him having every right to dish back the teasing. If I knew a better way to bring up his injuries, I would. But it's not every day you can talk about having your leg shattered beneath a bull and getting it rebuilt. The doctors swore he was one more minute away from being an amputee. Some days. I think Nate might prefer it with the way his leg still flares up.
“But seriously, Nate. Are you good?” I ask between bites when the silence becomes too much.
My brother loves the quiet. It's his comfort. If given the choice, he'd rather be in his shop working alone or working around the ranch by himself instead of surrounded by people like he has to be. Solitary time isn't really a thing with us Wrights.
“I'm fine. The better question is how are you doing? You're the one who came home with a surprise husband. A husband I've yet to see you with since you broke the news by the way.”
I frown as I chew. This was supposed to be a sweet snack. Somehow, it's turned into an interrogation without me realizing.
“I'm fine. Good. Dandy, if you will. And you haven't seen me with Lachlan because I have the bar to handle.”
“Bullshit, Rosie. You have down time. There are mornings when you go in late. Or maybe — I know it's odd — but you could take a day off.” He fakes a gasp.
It's the most animated I've seen him since the accident. That bull took more than Nate's smooth gait that day. He stole some of the light from his eyes. Seeing it return warms my heart.
Before I can speak, he continues where he left off. “Besides, your husband has been here nearly every day this week working with Dad and Beckett. I've passed him either in the morning on my way out or in the afternoon coming in.”
That's news to me. Lachlan has been a ghost haunting me since that day in my office. I feel him everywhere I go. See him when I know he's not around. Knowing he's been on the ranch, on my ranch, does something to me.
“I didn't know he was coming here. I... I haven't seen him.”
Nate nods as he knocks his knuckles against the countertop. “I kind of figured you didn't, which is part of why I came down. Stick around tomorrow morning for a little bit. Bet you'll run into him and catch him in action yourself.”
With that, he leaves me to my soggy cereal and a heart full of confusion.
* * *
I opted to fall asleep on the couch in the main house last night. I didn't feel right trying to ride the bike back to my place, and I was worried I'd oversleep and miss out on Lachlan's arrival. Positioning myself in the center of the action, I'm able to wake up the minute my daddy ambles down the stairs to start his coffee.
“Rosie? Is that you under that bundle of fluff?”
“Yeah, Daddy. It's me,” I reply as I pop my head out from under the comforter. “It's like an igloo in here.”
He grins at me as presses a kiss to the top of my head. “Sure is. Wouldn't have it any other way. You want coffee?”
I groan. “God, yes. I need about a gallon of it to make it through today.”
“Trouble sleeping?”
“Yeah. Then I came for a late snack and well, it didn't help me sleep. It's been rough since...”
“Since Lachlan showed up,” he finishes.
I whip my eyes up to meet his. He's grinning knowingly, just the way he used to always do when I was little, and he knew something I didn't.
“It's not like...”