Page 41 of Love You Already
“Yep! And since we just wrapped that all up, he'll be moving in this week,” I add just to have some kind of say in the discussion. No need to make her think I'm under duress or anything.
She claps her hands together. “Oh, that's lovely. Well, when you're ready to let the property go, just ring me up. We'll get it back on the market and cancel your contract right away. We understand extenuating circumstances like love and such. We can even refund you —”
“Ms. Verle,” Lachlan interrupts, “if you don't mind me saying, I'd rather not get the refund. I'd committed to the time and even with the change, losing that bit of money won't be a bother. I'd rather honor what I'd agreed to.”
Verle beams at him, happy to have his generosity at her disposal. “Wonderful! Just wonderful!”
As she wishes us well and strides away, I feel another part of my resistance crumble. Lachlan might have been talking about committing to a lease agreement, but the words held true for more than that. He's promised to work with me on this relationship of ours. No matter how unconventional it may have started, he's devoted to trying to make it work.
Why can't I do the same?
The day after running into Ms. Verle in the store, I was moving things into Rose's place. We only had to wait that long because we were waiting for the paint to dry. The dinner we had that night was simple so we didn't make too big a mess. Didn't matter much since our big mess came in the form of painting together. As darkness fell around the ranch, the two of us were just getting started. Rose's nap gave her a second wind, which meant I had to push myself hard to keep up with her. When we finally passed out together in bed, it was sometime around two a.m., and I was due to be up soon to help on the ranch again.
Our time from then on was spent circling one another as much as we could. I would make sure to wake up with the rest of the guys on the ranch, but I usually let Rose sleep in. She needed her rest, and I wasn't going to have her dozing off at the bar on my account. My good choice rewarded me day in and day out as I'd be in the middle of working with one of the guys when I'd feel her eyes on me. She'd run up to me, tell me she was heading to work, then plant a kiss on me that left me fighting an erection and a desire to follow her to the bar.
Nights have been split between the bar and home. Some nights, I don't fight the urge to see her. I slip into Sips and take up residence on a stool to keep an eye on my wife as her patrons tease her about me being around. I don't mind, and neither does she. Not really. The smirk she gives them is proof they aren't getting under my Ace's skin. The times I can convince her to take a night off are by far my favorite. It's those times where her walls really fall. Where she becomes Rose, my wife. She's the woman I've fallen in love with. The woman I can't imagine spending another day without.
My phone rings as I'm helping saddle up one of the horses with Beckett. He eyes me curiously, then waves me away to take the call as he takes over. I answer right away since the screen is saying it's Sam Herndon, captain of the team.
“Hello? What's up man?”
There's a chuckle across the line, then Sam speaks. “What's up man? That's the best you got, Loch? You're MIA these days and the team misses you. We haven't heard a word about you at all. What's been going on? You don't have any fucking social pages. How am I supposed to stalk your ass?”
“I'm not a fan of those things, man. I told you that early on. As for me, well, things are amazing. I feel better than ever.”
He hums. “Tell me more.”
I know if I don’t, he’ll keep pushing until he gets answers. I tell him about the small town of Firefly Cove. I explain how close it is and how there's a ranch here that I'm working at. How every day I get to wake up to a sunrise and be in touch with nature. I explain that I haven't neglected my workouts either because I bought equipment and the work I'm doing with the guys here is challenging enough to get me going.
“And you're eating enough?” he pesters like the good captain he is.
I roll my eyes even though he can't see. “Yes, Dad. I'm eating enough. Rose and I make dinner together most nights.”
His silence is the signal I've slipped up. I'd been purposefully not mentioning Rose to him. Not because I want to hide her, but it's more that I know he'll likely tell the team, and I didn't need our situation getting out to people without us having a plan of how we'd move forward. Would we stay together or was the end of the summer the end of us?
“Who is Rose?” he sing songs. “Do you, the forever single Lachlan, have a lady friend?”
Beckett laughs from where he's leaned up against the horses. He doesn't have to hear Sam to know I'm being teased. I'm sure my posture and pacing give that away enough.
“She's not a lady friend like you're thinking. She's more. So much more, man,” I admit.
The line goes quiet. It's unlike him to not tease someone. I'm not sure where this is going next.
“You love her.”
And there it is. The knockout blow. He's rocked me with three little words. Words I should be saying to Rose every day. Words I fight not to let slip every day.
“Yeah, I do. And I'm hoping I can convince her to feel that way about me one day too. For now, I'm being here. Being present. Time will take care of the rest.”
“Sure will! You're the best guy, Lachlan. I have no doubt you'll be head over heels and on your way down the aisle before you know it. Listen, man, I got to go, but let's talk again soon. Don't be a stranger.” He hangs up before I can reply. Typical Herndon behavior.
Beckett hands me the reins of Otto, my ride for the day. “Everything ok?”