Page 6 of Love You Already
“Don't take this the wrong way, but you look awfully young for retirement. May I ask what from? Modeling maybe? You've got the looks for it.” His gaze rakes over me, and I wonder what he thinks of the outfit Bridgett shoved me in. A black skirt with a split high enough I have to be careful when I sit lest I expose my entire ass. A tight crop top in a shade of blue that makes my eyes pop. She even curled my hair to make it look like those effortless beach waves even though she spent nearly half an hour perfecting them.
I look good. I know I do. But having his attention on me instead of my sister is concerning.
I'm the one they bypass. The Wright sister others don't see because I'm usually elbow deep in cow shit wrangling a steer or having an arm-wrestling competition with the other bull riders. My profession didn't lend me a hand when it came to getting male attention. Now that I'm no longer actively competing, I wonder how much people's perception of me will change.
It's obvious Mr. Hottie here seems to be ok with it.
I tilt my head as I answer him. “I'm only twenty-three. That's a fair assessment, though I've been in the sport since I was eleven. The last few years really took off, but I knew it was time for it to end.”
“Sounds like you're sure of yourself. That's good, though you still didn't tell me what it was you did.” His grin is teasing in a way that connects straight to my clit. I squeeze my legs even tighter, the need to mount him almost overwhelming me.
“Bull riding.”
It takes all the energy I'm not using to control my libido to force out those two words. Even then, my voice is breathy and unlike my normal tone. Bridgett must pick up on the vibes because suddenly she's up and mentioning she needs to make a call to check on something. I don't even look at her for what I'm sure will be her signature finger gun wishing good luck with this guy. I'm too engrossed in him to turn away.
“Can't say I've ever met a female bull rider before.”
Great. He's one of those men.“There aren't many of us.”
“Well then, I'm honored to have landed in the same place as one of the few. What got you into bull riding?” He moves in closer as a couple tries to shift past us. The change in position puts his thigh right up against mine and has his tall body leaning over mine. I want to say I'm intimidated by the move, but I'm not.
What I am is horny. Really fucking horny.
Taking a deep breath, I give him the honest answer. “I was jealous of my big brother. He got to get up on the bulls and ride when he was young. Everyone told me it was too dangerous for a girl. They tried to keep me out of it.”
“And let me guess... you gave them hell, didn't you?”
I smile at the pride lacing his voice. “Sure did. I pretended to be a boy to get an in on their teams. I could practice and compete with them that way. By the time they found out Roscoe was really Rose, I'd won more than my fair share of ribbons.”
“Rose.” My name is a whisper on his lips. One that promises delightfully wicked things. “Pleasure to meet you. I'm Lachlan.”
“Irish family?”
“Way, way back, yes. My mother wanted to honor her grandfather, who had inherited the name from his grandfather. It's apparently a thing for us.” He shrugs in a boyish way that does nothing to stop the desire racing through me. If anything, he just gets hotter and hotter.
“What about you, Lachlan? What brings you to this fine establishment tonight?”
I almost wish I didn't ask by the grimace he makes.
“My job basically just let me go. It was a... shift of sorts. I start with a new company in a couple of days.”
“Wow! That's awful. I don't really have another way to say it. How are you dealing with it?” Part of me wants to bundle him up in my arms to stroke his head while he tells me all his woes. She's being pushed back by the ravenous slut inside of me who wants to beg him to fuck me in the bathrooms to help him relieve some of that aggression. Hopefully I can keep both of them on lock until we make it out of here tonight.
Speaking of 'we', where is my sister dear? I turn to look for her, only to find her cozied up with some guy at the bar. She winks at me with a wave before giving her attention to the man flirting with her.
Lachlan notices where my gaze is and turns to look. “Does she always leave you hanging like this with strangers?”
I shrug. “She knows I can handle my own. Not too much you can do to hurt me that a fifteen-hundred pound bull didn't beat out of me. Plus, she knows I don't typically go home with men I've just met.”
“Don't typically? Am I an exception?” He's teasing me again. I know he is based on the devilish grin plastered across that handsome face. Still, I can't help but take the bait.
“Maybe. I'm not sure yet.”
There. The ball is back in his court.
I'm not sure where this well of confidence is coming from. Maybe it's because of the look he's giving me. The one that tells me he'd love to get me alone to show me that making him an exception is worth it. Maybe it's from the outfit and the way my body lights up from just a glance from Lachlan.
Taking the bait, he leans forward until he's merely a breath away. My mouth turns dry, causing me to lick my lips. His gaze snaps to the movement as fire ignites in his eyes.