Page 70 of Love You Already
“Glad you could make it.”
He nods as he pats my cheek. “Wouldn't miss it, son. You're part of this thing now. We best support you.”
Rose pulls him back, making way for Nathan to step forward. His gait is more pronounced tonight, like the stands might have caused him problems. I don't dare mention it, despite the pain radiating in his features.
“Good game,” he grunts.
“Thanks. Glad you made it out for it. I'm sure you had more important projects to work on.”
He shakes his head. “Nothing is more important than family, Lachlan. Nothing.”
Glancing around at the rest of the people who showed up for me, the people I've been blessed with through my wife, I can say I agree with him. There's nothing I wouldn't do for any of them if they called. They're as much a part of me as my own family now.
“Where's our boy at this week?” Randy, one of my regulars, asks as I pour him a beer.
I grin at him, appreciative of the way he and the rest of the town have brought Lachlan under their wing. They've surprised me with their unwavering support. It's been shocking, to say the least, knowing they don't care about my relationship as much as I thought they did. Verle and her gang of grandmas didn't ask another question about us once the pictures Bridgett took at the charity game were shared.
Sure, not everyone knows the name on my jersey is one I already have. Doesn't make it any less of a thrill to wear it. Might even make it more fun.
“He's over in Chicago for a few nights. Then he'll be back for a week before heading over to Florida.” I set his beer down, then wipe my hands on the towel over my shoulder.
“That's good. You be sure to get up there to see him while he's back. Gotta keep the fire alive in the relationship while it's early.”
I nod to him as I fight a laugh. “Sure thing, Randy. I'll make the time.”
Leaving him to it, I wave to Brett, one of my new hires, to let him know I've got to go grab some more beer from the storage room in back. We're not quite low in a dangerous way, though I have a feeling we might be. Better to take care of things when we're not busy.
While in the back, I decide to grab a few extra things to bring out front. My cart is overflowing with drinks by the time I finish. When I round the corner, I'm so focused on restocking that I don't notice the person waiting for me at first.
It's not until Brett calls out, “Hey, boss,” that I look up.
“Yeah?” I worry he's about to say there's something horrendous going on that I'll need to handle.He's been very helpful for certain things so far, but he's still quite green. I brought him in to train a couple of weeks ago, and though he's got a long way to go, he's making progress. Mel is still my go to for when I've got to take a night off. In a few more months, if Brett sticks it out, I'll be able to trust him enough to lead too. Then maybe I'll actually have time to get more than a single day's break at a time.
“You've got a visitor.” He points to the spot at the bar right behind me. If I'd been looking up as I came out of the back, I'd have seen them. Since I wasn't, this is my first time realizing how fucking oblivious I am.
“Callie?” I whisper as I take in the woman across from me. She's familiar, yet a stranger at the same time. “What are you doing here?”
She rubs her hands together as she looks around the bar nervously. “Is there a place we can talk privately?”
I know what she's not saying. Whatever she wants to speak about is something that will get the gossip mill running overtime. I might not be the friendliest towards her after what happened all those years ago, but I'm not going to subject her to the biddies just yet.
“Sure thing. Follow me.” I motion for her to come around the end of the bar to the door of my office. When I look back to Brett, he's nodding to let me know he's got me covered.
Not so bad after all. At least he's picking up subtle clues of when I need him.
I usher Callie into the office, then close the door. Easing into my chair, I wave her to sit as well. “Tell me why you're here, Callie. I'm sure you know the Wrights aren't really the best people in town for you to be around after the past. But I'm a nice person and don't want to throw you to the wolves.”
She winces as her head bobs. “Understandable. I'm not here to argue about the past. I won't even try since I can't change a single thing about it. No matter how much I wish it could have been different, I'm not a time traveler. I'm here today to talk about the present. Or the future I guess.” She pauses to take a deep breath. “I'm here to ask about a job. Hopefully, you need an extra hand behind the bar or a waitress for the floor.”
Shock tears through me. The Callie I knew all those years ago was focused on school and becoming something more than this small town. She wanted to venture out to the big city to explore everything she could. For her to be back here, for her to be in my bar asking for a job... well, it must be different now.
“Tell me why you want to work here. Do you even know how to tend bar? That's not you.”