Page 8 of Love You Already
Rose's hands grip the strands of my hair like a lifeline. Her moans fill the car as she basks in the way I've turned feral.
“Lachlan,” she whispers when my teeth trail over her nipples. They've pierced through the fabric of her top, desperate for my attention. Don't mind if I do.
Reaching one hand up, I grab the back of her neck. It stops her mid arch and sends her gaze shooting my way.
“We're here.” Not the words I wanted to say, but they were the ones we needed. Besides, we weren't too far off from me stripping her bare and fucking her in this car. I don't mind having to pay the premium fee for such a luxury, though I would prefer to have more space to explore her.
Rose is a beautiful woman. No one can deny that. She captivated me in a quick second, and since then, she's been the only thing I've seen. Her beauty is much more than her figure, though. I can sense it in the way she moves from my lap gracefully. It's in the way she eases from the vehicle without a care to anyone or anything else around her besides me.
At the entrance to the hotel, I wrap my hand in hers and drag her with me toward the elevator. Somehow, I manage to keep it together the whole ride up. My mind is a jumble of images, each more erotic than the last.
Rose bent over the couch. Rose's ankles in my grasp as I spread her open and give her my cock like I know she's aching for. Rose on all fours as my cock spears her open and my fingers press against that forbidden area I'd claim as well.
Unlike me, though, my date wears a mask of calm. She's unaffected. Calm, cool, and collected.
Or so it seems.
The minute I get the hotel door open, a completely different Rose breaks through. Her body slams against mine as she climbs me. And I do mean climb.
My arms catch her before she can fall just as her mouth latches onto my jaw. She creates a trail of teasing bites and kisses, revving me back up in about two seconds flat.
I walk us to the first surface I can find to sit on. It winds up being the couch, which works perfectly for me because I can't wait another second to see what's under this outfit of hers.
“Fuck,” I groan the moment I remove her top to reveal her satin white bra holding the most mouthwatering pair of breasts I've seen in ages. Hell, maybe ever. I can't remember what anyone else looks like with my gaze locked on Rose. She eclipses everything else completely.
Not one to waste time, my little Ace strips her bra off before I can, then she's tugging my shirt free. I chuckle at the eagerness, only to stop short when she grinds down over my length.
“Don't laugh at me. I'm not in the mood to dawdle.” Her raspy tone belays her desire.
I nod quickly, then whip my shirt off. With my chest revealed, her gaze narrows on the ink across my body. She doesn't say a word, though I know what she's thinking. From the angel wings on my left pec to the crossed hockey sticks on my right bicep and everything in between, I'm a mural of my life. If she looked through it long and hard enough, she'd know everything there was to know about me.
“It's beautiful,” she whispers reverently. Her mouth moves to the wings, where she presses a gentle kiss. It's not seductive in any way. It's more like she's letting me know she sees me, she understands me. And she's still here.
The gentleness does me in. I can't hold back another second.
My mouth slots over hers, frantic and needy, as my hands reach to undo her jeans. At the same time, she gets mine undone. She stands to shimmy hers off as I lift my hips to move my jeans and underwear out of the way enough for my cock to be freed.
I sigh in relief once I sink back onto the couch. It quickly turns to a groan as Rose reaches down to stroke my length. She's bold and beautiful, unbalanced and equally intriguing in a way women usually aren't for me. I don't look for more from them. My goal is in and out, as fast, and as pleasurable, as possible.
But with Rose, I don't want quick and dirty. If she tries to walk out after round one, I'm afraid she's mistaken on how tonight's events will go. She can't leave until we've both had our fill.
I'm just not sure how long mine is going to take.
“You got a condom around here somewhere, big boy?”
I nod at her question. “Bedroom. Nightstand.”
Great. I'm down to one-word syllables. She pats my cheek with her free hand, then releases me to move across the room towards the obvious space of the bedroom. Even from here I can see the rumpled bedding and my haphazardly open suitcase.
“Keep him going for me. I want you primed and ready when I come back,” Rose tells me casually, like she's not fucking asking me to stroke my cock while she finds us some protection.
This entire night feels like a mirage. Like I've gone and lost everything I knew as my own, only to find something better. To find someone who would distract me from the chaos in my life and bring me back to a state of living in the moment.
I think I'd forgotten what this was like. What finding someone who you really, truly clicked with could be like. My life was spent on the ice. It was spent in the weight room and in the media hall doing press time. It wasn't relationships or happily ever after.
But damn if Rose didn't make me forget all that. In my head, I kept calling her Ace because of how she'd handled herself in the bar. Now, I knew the name was much more fitting. Women like her should come with a warning.
Danger ahead: Hot as fuck and likely to make you want things you can't have.