Page 46 of Chance
Chance’s family erupted into cheers, and a big group hug descended upon them, with him and Kelly at the center. She kissed him, and then everyone else faded away, leaving only the two of them.
Chapter 36
Kelly swayed on the dance floor that Chance’s brothers had somehow put together in Porter’s backyard. Apparently, all their receptions had been held at the original home. It seemed that the entire town had descended, even though this was more like an elopement.
Kelly was too happy to care. She gazed up into Chance’s eyes as he whispered along to the lyrics and sang to her like she was the only woman alive: “I love you to the moon and back. You are my one and only.”
If there was ever a weak-in-the-knees moment when she felt like the hero had swooped in and saved her, it was right now. Giddiness swept through her. She had married her longtime love. She leaned up and brushed her lips against his. He held her tighter and then kissed her more deeply.
“I guess our elopement kind of turned into a full wedding,” she said against his lips. “But I’m grateful.”
Chance let out a light laugh. “My family doesn’t do anything halfway. You say the word ‘wedding,’ and they’re going to make it an affair.” He looked around. “I can’t say I’m sad about having the town here. They are like my family.”
“I like that about you, Chance Cross. You feel the need to protect everyone.”
He stood a little straighter and puffed his chest out. “So you like the macho type? That’s good to know.”
She swatted at his arm. “I’ve always liked the macho type. And I guess you like the artsy type.”
He nodded and leaned in to kiss her again. “Of course.”
“I’m excited for our life together.” With a giggle of anticipation, she added, “And I’m excited for tonight.”
He kissed her neck, working his way up to her ear and then ending on her lips. “We’ll start with tonight. The rest will work itself out.”
Out of the blue, a noise sounded.
Chance looked up and the sound of a chopper coming toward the ranch assaulted him.
Porter moved next to his side. “I told them they didn’t have to come, but Sadie did make me tell them about today.”
Kelly laughed. “Ohmygosh, I can’t believe it, Ava texted me congratulations earlier, but I never thought…”
She didn’t have time to finish because the chopper descended, the sound very loud.
Chance laughed, thinking of how much Trey and Ava and the whole family seemed to enjoy a good love story.
The chopper landed and the door flew open. What seemed like the whole Stone clan, plus all of the friends Chance had met in South Port, descended out of it, including their families.
First out was Brooks and his wife Serenity. They were both dressed for a wedding and Chance reflected that the 007 room that was dedicated to him back in South Port was indeed that way for a reason, because right now he looked like he could have walked off of a movie set.
Then there was Trey and Ava and their kids; Micah and baby Trey. Then Marshall and Kat and their children. Followed by Hunter and Cheryse, Trent and Liberty, Dawn and Trevor, Lucy and Matt and their daughter, Tatum. Then Kensi and Tim and their little one. And, then Raine and his wife, Sarah.
At first Porter seemed a bit annoyed, then he laughed and moved to meet the family.
For some of the women in the family, this was the first time all of them had met but they immediately embraced.
Chance held tightly to Kelly’s hand, unsure of how she was feeling.
She turned to him, with tears in her eyes. “I guess sometimes families just grow, don’t they?”
He grunted out a laugh as Trey and Ava headed their way. “I guess they do.”
They took some time, embracing and laughing and hearing everyone wish them congratulations. Chance noted that Raine hung back until the last, with a serious, somewhat sad expression on his face.
Chance figured that, although Truman had caused his own death on himself, it probably wasn’t an easy thing for Raine.
Raine held to his wife’s hand firmly, then blinked hard, looking like he would cry. He opened his arms to Kelly. “I’m so so so sorry for your loss.”