Page 60 of Unholy Obsession
Today however, today is different. Today we forced ourselves to get rest because we’re going for Dante, the son and the heart. Word has gotten out that the De Vico’s and Saracino’s are allies now and given the wipeouts that we’ve been doing this past week, Nereo and his son definitely know that we’re coming from them. Dante himself has been hiding in strip clubs that are outside of our boundary lines, but lucky for us, we have bugs all over this city. We know where he’s going, the moment he decides it.
Tonight, he’s at Inferno, a small club on the outskirts of Manhattan. I’m looking at an active security camera that’s pinned directly on him, getting a lap dance from one of the workers. He’s drinking straight from the bottle and from the looks of his demeanor, I can tell that he is flustered, nervous even. Lucky for me, I know the owner of the club well. So well in fact, that I invested a small amount in the club just for circumstances like this.
“He’s on one of the couches in the backroom, down in the basement,” I say to Graziano, who’s sitting next to me in the backseat with Claudio.
The rest of the brothers are in a car behind us, as well as a team of our men behind them. We have a total of twenty people ready and waiting for this ambush.
“So, we just walk in guns drawn or what’s going on here?” Claudio asks and we come to a stop just ten feet away from the club.
“No, you’ll scare the locals. There’s a separate entrance downstairs, you know, for special deliveries. We’ll use that, guns drawn,” I say, loading my pistol before I nod at the men.
We signal for the other cars to get ready, all of us walking quietly around the building and to the entrance where a guard, one of my guards, nods for us to come through. I’m about to open the door to the backroom where Dante is, when a sudden loud noise halts us.
When I turn, my eyes widen. Nereo Merlini and several of his men not only have my doorman knocked down, but several of my other men held at gunpoint. The only free bodies I can see in this small hallway are myself, Carmelo and his father.
“Did you really think that I wouldn’t know you’d show up?” Nereo sneers, his speech slurred and eyes red.
Of course, this man would show up to an ambush drunk. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so sloppy and idiotic.
“I had a feeling,” I say, my eyes narrowed as I scan the hallway, my hand still on the door knob.
I look at Carmelo and Graziano, whose guns are aimed directly at Nereo and his men. There’s more of them than there are any of us, for now. I have fifteen more men slowly approaching the building, I just need this idiot and his soldiers to keep their attention on me.
“Do you always drink cheap vodka, Nereo? I thought with the business I provided you with that maybe you could afford better,” I say, baiting him as his eyes flare.
“But I should’ve known you’d waste all that money too, you always were a shitty businessman. I think partly because of your brain-dead son. A lot can affect you when you constantly have to watch over a twenty-five-year-old man child,” I say, a chuckle escaping Carmelo’s lips at my words. I wouldn’t say we’ve grown close, but we’re getting better at tolerating each other.
“You slimy, egotistical son of a bitch. I can’t wait to have your head on a platter!” Nereo shouts, my men now poised behind him outside, assault rifles drawn.
“Such a shame, I wanted you to see your son’s on my platter first. I guess I’ll just serve you together,” I say, nodding the signal for my men to launch and for Lori’s brothers to drop and get down.
As soon as shots fire, I slam the door open and run to Dante, grabbing him by the throat and pinning him against the wall while the women in the room start screaming, his dick on full display.
“You bastard—” He tries to shout, but I don’t give him time.
I put the gun right to his temple and I fire, his lifeless body thumping to the floor as blood splatters all over my suit. Thank God it’s not Givenchy. I had a feeling today would be dirty.
“Marco, we got him, but get here quickly!” Amelio shouts from the hallway.
When I walk through, all I see is carnage. Most of the bodies belong to the Merlini's, some are my own men. When my shoes stop right before Nereo’s dead body, I freeze. Although blood is pouring from the gunshot wound in his head, Graziano is on the ground next to him, blood pouring from his chest.
“Christ,” I hiss, grabbing him and ripping up the bottom of his shirt so that I can ball up the fabric and hold it to the gunshot wound to try and stall the bleeding.
“Everything happened so quickly. I didn’t even see him go down,” Claudio says frantically. All of Graziano’s sons eyes wide with terror.
“It’s okay, he’ll be fine. Carmelo, please call Sergio and tell him to get the doctors there at the mansion asap. Lori is going to freak out, so tell him to stay with her too. Now,” I order, gesturing for the others to help me lift their bleeding father.
“I got the bastard,” Graziano says to me as we lift him and carry him out of the club and to the car, his eyes closing as he speaks.
“Marco?” He asks as we struggle with getting him up the hill and to the waiting car.
“Stay awake,” I grunt, refusing to let this man die on me even though I’ve spent the last ten years of my life waiting for this moment. Life’s got the weirdest turns for me.
“Take care of my daughter. This world is too ugly for her. She’s too… too pure. Don’t let it touch her,” he says, blood still pouring and covering my hands as I walk him to the door of the vehicle.
“I will, but you’re going to as well. You’re not dying like this, Saracino. Not on my watch,” I growl, setting him in the vehicle with his brothers as he looks at me with half lids and a bloody smile.
“Funny isn’t it? How things work out,” he says, his sons holding him close.