Page 8 of Feral King
Then something else roared with fury somewhere in the distance.
The creature stilled, pressing its clawed hand down on my chest and holding me in place. Its head circled unnaturally far as it looked around for whatever had made such a terrifying noise.
I swallowed hard, not knowing what to do, and that frightening growl came again, but much closer this time.
The werewolf quivered, intelligent enough to be afraid of whatever was coming, which only made my own fear spike further. Something crashed through the forest, taking no care to be quiet as sticks broke and dead leaves crackled beneath its feet.
The beast’s claw dug a bit into my chest as it cowered over me, like it was protecting its last meal and didn’t want to let go. I felt the sharp tips pierce through my flesh, but I didn’t dare move a muscle. The werewolf’s fur bristled as he bared his fangs towards the right.
All of a sudden, a blurred form raced out of the surrounding brush and smashed into the werewolf astride me. Another fierce roar sounded, coming from the new, terrifying creature.
It was only when the fighting slowed that I realized that the new beast was aman.
His arms whipped out, sinking hard punches into the side of the werewolf’s head as they grappled in close combat. The man’s muscles flexed, and the two clashed in a display of raw power.
The werewolf managed to break his hold and lunged backwards as his claws slashed the air, gnashing his teeth in a primal show of aggression. The man moved with terrifying agility and spun forward, striking the werewolf with so much force that it seemed to defy his human form.
In a show of unwavering strength, the man rained down blow after blow as the werewolf slashed his claws and tried to fight him off. The sound of snapping fangs reverberated throughout the small clearing, but the man evaded the sweeping claws and the werewolf’s gnashing jaws with superhuman speed. There wasn’t a single moment where the werewolf overpowered the man. They crashed into a tree and the trunk cracked, the sound reverberating so loudly that if I had been somewhere else, I would have thought it was a clap of thunder.
I watched as the man’s broad fist sailed into the side of the werewolf’s head with bone-shattering impact, and the creature staggered, momentarily stunned. That’s when I noticed that the man had his own set of long, jagged claws.
He wasn’t human.
With a final burst of strength, the man seized the moment of vulnerability and punched the opposite side of the werewolf’s head, causing the beast to waver from one foot to the other before it crumpled to the ground with a pained howl. It didn’t get back up again.
The man pulled his shoulders back and stood tall amidst the aftermath, breathing heavily with his hard-earned victory. As the moonlight bathed down on the clearing, it cast an ethereal glow upon the battle-scarred landscape, and the man’s gaze lingered on the fallen werewolf. In that moment, a mixture of triumph and empathy flickered in his eyes.
With a silent nod to the defeated beast, the man turned away and set his dark brown gaze on me. The intensity of his stare made me gasp, and I made a move to crawl backwards, but for some reason, I stopped.
I studied him just as intently as he did me.
Tall, commanding, and remarkably handsome, he possessed a raw magnetism that exuded strength and confidence.
His dark, cascading brown hair tumbled freely to his shoulders, framing a face that mirrored rugged masculinity and untamed allure. He had a square jawline and a piercingly intense gaze, and I was captivated within his molten, dark chocolate depths. His chiseled cheekbones were accentuated by a hint of stubble along his jawline, only adding to the raw masculinity pouring from him as he stared at me. He was wearing a pair of dark brown leather trousers that hugged the musculature of his thighs like a glove.
His chest rose and fell with the exertion of battle. His tanned skin glistened with sweat, setting off the thick hair that covered his upper body. His brawny arms and powerful torso attested to the strength I had just witnessed with my own eyes. A tapestry of tattoos wove a story over his body, covering his arms and much of his torso. Each inked design intertwined, dancing in harmony with his movements as he crouched down and watched me.
There was a natural charisma to him that drew me in, like a moth to a flame, and I found myself pushing up and taking a step towards him before I realized what I was doing. Immediately, I stopped myself, not certain whether his rugged demeanor would be warm and inviting, or sinister and deadly.
“Don’t come any closer,” he growled, the rumbling sound of his voice like music to my ears, the perfect combination of strength and sensuality, and my body reacted in kind instantly.
Heat ignited deep in my belly and settled in my core. My skin prickled with warmth as I stared back at this seemingly feral creature, not daring to move another muscle.
Even though I tried to keep myself from reacting, my body called to him. I told myself that I should be more shaken, or even more afraid, anything other than what I was feeling for him at the moment. As his eyes raked up and down my body, I finally realized what it was.
His very presence was all it took to evoke it. I’d just seen him kill a creature that shouldn’t exist. Even now, the werewolf’s blood was drying on his chest, evidence of the violence that had just occurred right in front of my eyes. I should be scared. I should want to turn tail and run away, not edge closer to him.
My gaze settled on his lips, and my chest rose and fell, each lungful of air searing my insides. What was this? Had I turned into a cat in heat at the first sight of a man in this strange new world?
I attempted to reign my arousal back in, but it was like trying to stop a train from careening off its tracks. The more I tried to contain it, the more it spiraled fiercely out of control. My pulse rushed so fast that the blood surged through my head, pounding along with the beat of my heart. I licked my lips as his perusal of my naked body continued, and my nipples hardened into tight little peaks right before his eyes.
A single, molten drop of arousal dripped down my inner thigh, alerting me to the rampant wetness between them. With a gasp, I pressed my legs together, only to find that I was wetter than I’d ever been in my life.
Without meaning to, I took a step closer.
“Don’t,” he growled.