Page 16 of Sky Full of Stars
“Believe me, I know. Listen, I’m not gonna be able to convince you that I didn’t mean to ignore you unless I just come out and say it,” he blew out a long breath. “A friend of mine died unexpectedly.”
I bite my lip and try to think of something to say but I’m drawing a blank.
“You still there?”
“Yes, I’m so sorry Adam, I didn’t realise.”
“How could you have?” he says it so simply. “Can I message you later? Talk about it when you’re not in the airport? And I know it might seem a little unconventional but if I can text, it’s…easier.”
“Yeah, okay… that’s fine. I’ll be back in my room around seven.”
“I’ll text at seven. And Slugger, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad okay?”
“No it’s fine, it’s my fault, Adam. I was being a crazy bitch, you don’t need to apologise.”
He laughs again and I imagine his blue eyes crinkling. “If you weren’t a little crazy I wouldn’t enjoy talking to you so much, but you’re not a bitch. Okay?”
“Okay,” I concede, but I still feel like one. A raging, insane, inconsiderate bitch.
“I’ll be in touch tonight and Jenna, this time I mean it. Nothing will stop me.”
“What is this?” I didn’t mean to ask that, it came out before I could think.
“Truth?” I hear the smile in his voice. “I have no idea. Catch you later.”
After finishing up with the airline, who promised my luggage would arrive on the next plane and be sent straight to the hotel, I don’t hold out much hope despite their reassurances, I grab a cab out of O’Hare and head towards the bookstore in South Loop. I do my job. I greet the team, I get everything set up as Elle likes it, the store manager goes over the security arrangements and we look at the schedule for a reading, Q&A and the book signing. I make sure all the marketing and promotion materials are out in full view, that Elle’s preferred drink and food is available for when she needs it. Elle is the furthest thing from a diva but it makes things easier to have what we need all planned out.
Once I’m happy with everything I call Kevin to let him know. I can see a queue building outside the store already and smile. I love this. I love how much people love to read and meet the people who create these stories.
Then I think of Adam. He lost someone. The whole thing between us is strange. I really don’t understand what is going on, why it bothered me so much when he didn’t get in touch, why he seems to want to talk to me, what makes me so special? And if he really likes me, as he said, I don’t understand why.
People start to arrive and the manager calls to let me know Elle is here. I push aside thoughts of my strange relationship with a man I barely know and do my job.
After dinner, Kevin reminds me of the river tour and says he will pick me up at eight. I smile and tell him I’ll see him then and head up to my room to change.
I take a quick shower and put on a black dress I bought this afternoon. I consider changing but all I have is the clothes I travelled in and a couple of t-shirts I grabbed when I got the dress. My phone pings.
It’s him.
Chapter Six
Adam: You still willing to do this Weird Lady?
Me: Only if you still think talking to a weird person is really what you want to do.
Adam: LOL. Maybe we’re weird together
Me: It is kinda crazy, right? I have no idea what to make of it, whatever this is
Adam: You’re not the only one, trust me. I struggle to find people to talk to, it’s not easy for me to find someone I can be honest with. Anyway, forget that, for better or worse, Slugger, you’re gonna have to be my shrink right now. And maybe then I can help you with your friend. Not sure how but, quid pro quo, maybe?
Me: I’m cool with that.
Adam: Let me explain real quick, get the shitty part out of the way. I’ve been travelling a lot the last few months, my job takes me all over the country and it’s hard to find time to be with my friends and family. It’s kind of demanding and non-stop sometimes. It can be difficult to get hold of me.