Page 20 of Sky Full of Stars
Adam: You look beautiful x
I can’t help the smile on my face as I read that, unfortunately, Kevin thinks it’s for him.
Chapter Seven
The river cruise was everything I imagined it would be. Kevin was right, taking it at night was so much more breath-taking than it would have been in the day. He was attentive all night, pointing out sites he knew and talking about how excited he was to be on this tour with Elle. I tried hard not to be too standoffish and when he suggests we have a drink back at the hotel I agree, so as not to hurt his feelings. I think he can tell the dynamic is changing.
We order beers and sit at the bar, Kevin excuses himself to the bathroom and I take out my phone. I swore I wouldn’t look at it while I was out with him but I couldn’t hold it back any longer. There are a couple from when I was on the cruise.
Adam: What is your favourite kind of music?
Adam: Is douche keeping his hands to himself?
I laugh, shaking my head.
Me: You’ll hate me if I tell you
Adam: About his hands or music?
Adam: Pretty sure if you tell me about his hands I’ll want to kill him too
Me: Why?
Adam: Because
Me: That isn’t an answer
Adam: Where is he?
Me: Bathroom
Adam: And you’re texting me… [touchdown Gif]
Me: You’re insane. And this will probably turn you right off but I listen to jazz or seventies and eighties rock. New music sucks.
Adam: Wow, really?
Me: I’m not unique, lots of people feel the same way
Adam: I suppose. What about the Alice In Chains t-shirt?
Me: Nineties rock is also acceptable
Adam: Good to know you’ll give something else a chance. When he gets back go to the bathroom
Me: Why would I do that?
I see Kevin coming back and pocket my phone. He sits and takes a drink and I’m thinking how great it is Adam remembered what I was wearing that night.
“You’ve been quiet tonight, something on your mind?”
“No, everything is fine, I’m just a little distracted, my luggage and the rest of the tour, there are still so many things to do, so many things that could go wrong.”
“You’ve done a great job so far, Elle was saying earlier she’s having fun on this trip.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”