Page 4 of Sky Full of Stars
“Here,” Adam takes it again as if it’s a game for him to keep swiping my phone. He answers before I can stop him. I grab his arm but he easily shrugs me off. I’m fit, strong for a woman of my height, but I am no match for him. “Hey, who is this?”
I roll my eyes.
“Sorry Jenna isn’t interested. She’s coming home with me.”
“What?” I mouth at him angrily. He smirks and still won’t give me the phone, I cross my arms and give him my hardest stop fucking with me glare.
“Sorry, dude, you messed up and I stepped in. Do yourself a favour and stop calling her. She isn’t interested.” He hangs up and looks at me.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Relax,” he holds up a hand and a cab heads towards us. “I was just messing with him, giving him something to think about. He was pretty pissed.”
I close my eyes. Part of me thinks it was actually kinda funny he did that. It will really irritate Lance, he deserves it, but at the same time, I don’t want anyone standing up for me, I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself. The cab stops and Adam tells the driver to wait a second. He starts messing with my phone. People are coming out of the club looking over at us. Adam glances back and then quickly presses some more buttons. His phone rings in his pocket. He passes mine back to me.
“I just gave you my number, text me, let me know you got home.”
“I’m not texting you,” I tell him.
“Come on, Slugger. I just want to make sure you get home and I intend to be the voice in your head reminding you not to call that asshole back.”
I look at the screen, see the number and the name Adam in my contacts. “What makes you think I would do that anyway.”
He laughs, his whole body shaking in amusement. “True, the guy would be asking for it if you sucker punched him again,” he stops laughing and touches my shoulder. “Don’t text him back,” he says again, pointing a finger at me as he starts walking backwards. “Get in the cab, Jenna.”
I stare at him a while longer, thinking this has been the single most surreal night of my life. Part of me wants to flip him off, he doesn’t get to tell me what to do, but another part of me wants to smile at him, I do neither, just turn and get in the cab giving the driver my address. As it pulls away, I see more people come over to Adam, most of them women. Not surprising given the way he looks. I turn to face forward then look at his name in my phone. I am not going to text him, just as much as I am not going to text Lance, despite Adam’s demand, I have no intention of forgiving Lance, I’m done with him. No one treats me that way.
The phone vibrates in my palm.
Adam: Make sure you text ME and DON’T text him. Night Slugger
I smile, then catch myself. I don’t appreciate the bossy tone. My notifications show two missed calls and eight texts from Lance. I shut off the phone and put it in my purse, despite the pain in my knuckles and the anger at what happened tonight, I was going to remember the tall, dark and handsome distraction.
Chapter Two
I stare at Adam’s text. I still haven’t answered. Brooke, my best friend, is sitting opposite me in the diner, happily devouring a plate of pancakes. I put the phone down on the table next to my plate.
“How do you eat like that and look like that?” I wave my hand at her.
She looks over at me. “Speak for yourself.”
“I work out five times a week, Brooke. You barely walk a block unless the streets are backed up and you’re gonna be late.”
She rolls her eyes. Brooke is shorter than me, at five foot seven, with a curly black shoulder length bob and almond shaped green eyes. She’s wearing her glasses today, complaining her contacts are drying out her eyeballs. She wears them well. Men still stare at her. “You cannot distract me.”
“How is the case going?” I try to change the subject again because I’m tired of discussing my stupid ass ex-boyfriend.
“Screw the case. What are you going to do about Lance?”
“Nothing,” I shrug.
“Nothing? That asshole needs another punch to his stupid face.”
I sigh. “He’s not worth it, Brooke.”
“How many times has he called now,” she looks at my cell as it pings again. But it is face down so I can’t see the message. “He won’t give up, loser.”
I pick up the phone, telling her, “I’m blocking him.”