Page 40 of Sky Full of Stars
“For now,” he nods but I can see the wheels turning in his head and the gleam in his eye, I know what he is thinking about, and dammit I am too, but I have to stick to my guns. I can’t get hurt again so I’m not going to let myself get attached in case it doesn’t work out.
“What happens now?” I ask, glancing around the empty restaurant.
“You like movies?” I must look confused. “It’s easy to hide in a dark theatre.”
“Okay…So this would be a date?”
“Yeah. We can’t talk much but we’ll be together.”
I forgot we would have to hide. God, am I seriously thinking about getting into something with a fucking rock star women all over the world want to be with? He sees my hesitation.
“I’ve never done this before either,” he says. “We can figure it out.”
I bite my lip.
“If you aren’t going to sleep with me, stop doing that,” he says pointedly staring at my mouth making me blush. “And don’t blush either, it’s too sexy.”
“I can’t help blushing. You stop thinking about sex.”
“I’m not.”
“Yeah right,” I try to look annoyed. “I do have to go. I’m busy in work.”
“That’s okay,” he says even though he looks disappointed. “I need to go see someone about some studio work out here.”
“Really? Here in the city.”
“Yep. I’m hoping to work on the next album here. I’ll be in the city a whole lot more.”
I can’t help but wonder if that is because of me. It makes me think about him barely being here. On tour for months, doing interviews, I still don’t actually know where he lives. How can this ever work?
“You’re overthinking again, Slugger.”
“Is that your catchphrase?”
“Until I can get you to stop.”
“You want me to stop thinking?” I arch a brow.
“Only about not sleeping with me.”
I grab the bagel and get up, he can see I’m more amused than annoyed even though I give him a stern look.
“Give me your address, I’ll pick you up.”
“I’ll meet you at the theatre.” He doesn’t look happy. “Let’s keep the rock star away from where I live for now.”
“Good point. I’ll text you the details then.”
“You do that,” I turn and walk away. I thought about kissing his cheek but decided against it. As I get nearer the exit I glance back and see him staring at my ass, he grins when he sees I caught him. Then I push through the door and can’t wipe the silly grin off my face.
I’m so distracted in work thinking over our conversation, I manage to knock a whole cup of coffee over myself and shout out curse words as the hot liquid burns right through my skirt. I hurry to the kitchen and see everyone looking at me. Izzy is in the conference room next to the kitchen with a client and gives me a look. I apologise and hurry back to my office, shutting the door. Not exactly a fashion statement, but I shimmy out of my skirt behind my desk and pull on gym tights from my bag. I notice a message has come and roll my eyes when I read it but can’t help laughing.
Adam: Is porn a possibility?
Me: Absolutely not
Adam: ;-) Mildly erotic romance?