Page 45 of Sky Full of Stars
“Did you call him on it?”
“Hell no, I stole it back, he wouldn’t bring it up cos mom would find out he kept it.”
We’re still laughing when I pull up to Keira’s house. Its lunchtime and Keira is planning a picnic in the yard. Jenna’s phone starts to ring and she frowns, taking it out of her pocket and looking at the screen.
“Take it, its fine.”
She declines the call. “No it’s okay, I’m off the clock.”
We get out of the car and she stretches after being sat down so long. I have to keep my jaw from dropping as I watch her t-shirt pull tight across her breasts. Luckily, she doesn’t catch me, unlike yesterday when I was staring at her ass. She is looking at the house, a slight misty look in her eyes. It is very white picket fence out here.
“Can’t imagine someone like me growing up here, huh?” I walk over to her.
She smiles. “What happened to the basketball hoop?”
I grab our bags from the trunk. “It’s out back. I plan on whooping your ass at it later.”
“Oh yeah? You should really know your opponent before you make such bold claims.”
“Care to make a wager?”
“Depends what is on offer,” she gives me a sexy wink.
“Fucking killing me, Jenna,” I shake my head and look at the floor for a second, then grab her hand and walk to the house. She doesn’t pull her hand away which I take as a good sign.
Jake is his usual bundle of mad energy when Keira opens the door and barrels into me.
“Uncle Adam! You came back.”
“Course I did, buddy,” I pick him up and kiss his head as he rambles about more pictures he’s painted for me, and how he’s been practicing the guitar. He looks over my shoulder at Jenna and points. I see her watching me with a small smile.
“Who’s that?”
“Jake, manners,” Keira scolds him. She steps out and raises her hand to Jenna. “You’ll have to excuse both of these Neanderthals. I’m Keira, I’m so glad to meet you.”
“Jenna,” she smiles and shakes Keira’s hand.
“And this little monster is Jake,” I tell her.
“Hi Jake,” Jenna smiles at him. “You know I work with someone who knows all about Pete the Cat,” she says pointing at his t-shirt. “She has a lot of toys and books all about him.”
“Really?” Jake asks. “I love Pete.”
“Me too,” she smiles.
“You think I could have some of the toys?”
“Jake,” I nudge his tummy for being too forward.
“I think I could arrange that, if your mom doesn’t mind?” Jenna glances back at Keira.
“If he’s a good boy and cleans up his own toys, maybe,” Keira ruffles Jake’s hair.
“I will, totally,” Jake says. “Thank you,” he adds.
My sister leads Jenna inside, glancing back, her eyes and smile wide, with a thumbs up.
After a picnic in the back garden, Jenna and Keira sit and talk while I play football with Jake and chase him around, pretending he’s stronger than me and let him knock me on the grass. I keep sneaking glances at Jenna and can see her smiling at my antics and laughing with Keira as they chat about girl shit. I knew my sister would get on with her, one more point in my favour. When Jake begs me to play a song, I only agree after the three of them gang up on me but I don’t have a guitar with me, so have to use Jake’s tiny one. Jenna is standing on the porch with a beer watching me as I sit on the floor and sing Jake’s favourite kids song, one that I made up for him when he was a baby and Keira requests one of the bands ballads. I see Keira whispering something to her and Jenna laughs softly, then glances at me. I make a mental note to buy my sister a diamond necklace.