Page 57 of Sky Full of Stars
“Oh yeah, somewhere like where?”
“Rhode Island.”
“Are you serious?”
“Why not?”
“It’s miles away, Adam, we have a day.”
“We can catch a plane.”
“Oh it’s that simple, huh?”
“It is with me.” She looks at me like I’m crazy. “I should have thought of it sooner but we can jump a plane, do some exploring.”
“What time is your flight to LA?”
“Doesn’t matter, I can go any time.”
“Really? It’s that simple for you.”
“Exactly,” I grab her hand, warming to the idea. “Maybe it doesn’t have to be Rhode Island, somewhere near but out of the way where we can walk in the open and enjoy each other.” She shakes her head at me but it’s more of a ‘you’re nuts’ than ‘absolutely not’.
“Take the day off, do something spontaneous with me. I never get to do shit like this.”
“You have such a way with words.”
“Come on, Slugger, what do you say?”
She glances at the field and is quiet for moment, her mind racing. “You’re crazy, Adam.”
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a maybe,” but she is smiling.
I’ll convince her. I have the rest of the night to do it. I’ll make sure I come up with somewhere close but secluded that won’t take too long to fly to. I can change my flight back to LA until later. I will go back tomorrow because I promised but it doesn’t mean I can’t get a flight in the early hours.
“Oh look,” she points to the jumbotron with a huge smile. Someone is proposing and its being broadcast across the stadium. The crowd goes crazy again when the woman jumps into the man’s arms. Jenna’s face lights up and it reminds me she is heavy into romance.
Between watching, and me explaining the game, more beer and hot dogs, it’s surprising what this girl can put away, we chat more about ourselves and things we did when we were kids. It is so easy talking to her, she doesn’t hang on my every word, she calls me out when she thinks I’m feeding her bullshit and laughs noisily at my jokes, completely unselfconscious about what anyone thinks. A few guys still look at her and it makes me glad she is staring at me while they’re checking her out.
My cell rings and I excuse myself to take the call at the back of the room where it’s quieter.
“We’re fucked,” Archer says.
“What do you mean?” I ask hearing the strain in his voice.
“Fucking Jordan, he got drunk and decided to go skateboarding today.”
“Shit,” I run a hand through my hair. “How bad is it?”
“He’s broken his arm and wrist. He’s gonna be in a cast for weeks.”
I close my eyes. Part of me briefly thinks it’s good, we can cancel the tour, I can stay here with Jenna but that is fleeting. This is bad. “Is Bianca freaking out?”
“Bianca is on her way to kill him. It hasn’t hit the press yet but it will soon and she needs to do damage control.”
“What’s the plan?”